A secret door?

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Jin: we all came here as Jungkook told us everything about what happend this morning
Y/N: (silent)
Taehyung: i can't believe he betrayed us
JK: talking about him, let's pay him a visit? (He said While smirking at the members)
Everyone ex Y/N: yes why not (smirk back)


(This basement was in the BTS mansion where all members lived all together, BTS totured and killed mercilessly their rivals here)

Bambam: please free me

His voice came out as a whisper as he's all Energy was a waste, he knew he can't escape from here, there was no use to yell at the guards. Just then the a gurard went to open the Door for these 8 people who entered the basement. Each of them had hatred and anger in his eyes, giving goosebumps all over Bambam's body

JK: Hey

He said While smirking at Bambam's condition, but he wasn't satisfied at all

RM: did you do this on your own Will?

He asked Bambam, but he was in no condition to answer all their questions then

Y/N: (comes near him with a blank face and grab harshly his hair and shout) TELL US YOU MF!!!

BTS members ex Jungkook were schocked seeing Y/N in a such a form, as they Always thought She was a normal and innocent girl, then Y/N slap him harshly on his left cheek leaving a hand mark on It

Bambam: ... ..i..-i (Just when he was trying to Say something he started to cough Blood some of it's drops landed on Y/N's clothes)
J-hope: i think we shouldn't let him die, we still have information to get from him
RM: he's right Jungkook! Jimin call the doctor immedialtly

Jimin left from there

Suga: (taking Deep breath to control his anger)
Jin: calm down Suga

There was a silence there in the basement

Y/N: i'm going (emotionless voice)
Taehyung: are you okay?
Y/N: (nodded)
Taehyung: wait, come with me i Will give you a guest room to rest

With that Taehyung and Y/N left from the basement


The doctor Just arrived in the basement while being followed by BTS' men. He started to check on Bambam, meanwhile all BTS members were in the basement looking at the doctor treating him. Y/N Is in the guest room, Somi and Kai are still at Y/N's Place

Mr. Kang (doctor): Mr. Jeon? We can't do anything (lower his head in fear) he Just died

After hearing the news of Bambam's death all BTS members were shocked and surprised, not because they all cared about him but because the level of torture they did on Bambam was not that High to risk his Life

Jin: how did he died? (cold)
Mr. Kang: ....h-..he... (he was stuttering badly, why not the most dangerous Mafia Boss of South Korea are standing in front of him)
JK: JUST SPILL THE TEA (he yelled at the doctor making him flinch badly in pure fear)
Mr. Kang: s-..someone po- ..isoned him

Everyone were now confused, as they didn't give him any kind of poison

RM: what kind of poison? (cold)
Mr. Kang: seems like s-someone gave him b-b..otulinum t-t..oxin High doses
JK: what the hell?! (cold)
Suga: but it's not Easy to get that type poison (cold)
RM: can you tell us how many doses he got? And when? (cold)
Mr. Kang: i have t-to take some test on him, It Will take some time
Taehyung: calm down Jungkook
Jin: (sigh) how many days It Will take? (cold)
Mr. Kang: 3/4 d-d..ays
J-hope: hmm, okay now you can go from here (cold)
Mr. Kang: yes sir (continuously bow)

After the doctor left with Bambam's body as some guards took It and left, all members were looking at each other confused

Jimin: Who can poison him?
Suga: (shake his head)
J-hope: we have to do something-

???: what happend? Who poisoned whom?

They all turned around to see the owner of the voice

JK: what are you doing here Kai?
Kai: Actually i heard some shouting sounds so i came here as i was courious
Jimin: but why you came here in our mansion?
Kai: oh, actually Y/N called me here as She Needed some of her clothes
JK: hmm
Jimin: you go outside we are coming
Kai: okay, btw Somi came too
JK: alright now get Lost
Kai: (Eye rolled)

With that Kai left and BTS expressions turned to a cold and emotionless face

J-hope: We have to wait for Mr. Kang
Suga: hmm, okay now let's go

BTS left from the basement and came in the living room to find Y/N watching TV sitting comfortably on the couch, Kai being a dectective in the mansion and roaming here and there, Somi looking weirdly Kai as he's a alien from another planet

Somi: yah Y/N! Are you sure you didn't bring an alien from another universe?!
Y/N: (frown) huh?
Somi: look at him being all sus about nothing (point at him) Hey Kai are you playing Police?!
Kai: (ignore her) ........
Somi: Kai?!
Kai: ..........
Somi: (takes Deep breath) KAI!!!!!!

Everyone in ten room flinch hard at the sudden out burst of Somi, Who was looking all calm and tired a while ago. Kai Lost his balance and fell on the floor but before that he accidentally moved a vase from its place, which cause the Wall to move

Y/N: (shocked)
Somi: (surprised)

All BTS members' eyes grow Wide After seeing the two of them looking at their secret Door, Kai was on the floor rubbing his butt he slowy stand up backfacing the Wall, he noticed everyone were looking behind him as they saw Ghost

Kai: what's the matter?
Y/N: (no words were coming from her mouth as She point with her index finger to look behind him)
Kai: why are you two looking like you Just saw a Ghost? (slowly turned around) .........

BTS gulped

Y/N: (speechles)
Somi: (shocked and speechles)


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