~Chapter 2•Midnight Snacks~

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      •1st person•
   It's been a week at the hotel now. I've gotten closer to everyone, even Lucifer. Yet the only on who I only know the name of is Alastor. Angel told me stories and that's all. Yet he seems to keep a close eye on me at all times. Sometimes I go downstairs to the kitchen for a midnight snack. When I'm in the kitchen I feel someone looking at me. When I look at the doorway I can see his red eyes. The first time I saw him I said hello. He only narrowed his eyes. After that we didn't talk. Only enjoyed each other's presence, at least I did.
Tonight I was going to make a change. I snuck down like I always do. I climbed on the counter and grabbed my candy stash. He was here. I felt his eyes on me. I turned around with a smile. I saw his eyes like always. I sat on the counter and ate my chocolates. I looked up at him and threw a chocolate at him. I saw his hand come into the light and grab it. His eyes looked down, probably at the candy. He walked into the kitchen so I could see him in the light. He didn't have his pin striped coat on.
"Heya creepy."
"Creepy. You are always down here watching me eat. How did ya even know I left my room?"
"The first night I came down after hearing a door open, which was yours. The other nights I was just making sure you weren't doing anything stupid." He put the candy in his pocket.
"How sweet." I say sarcastically. I jump off the counter and walk towards him. "What's your problem with me?"
"Yeah. You're always looking at me but you're never talking to me." There was a moment of silence.
"How did you die?"
"Excuse me? I asked you a question first." I poked his chest with my finger. He sighed and moved my hand away.
"You are a deer demon just like myself. I just wanted to figure you out. Now answer my question." I bit my lip and looked down, crossing my arms over my chest.
"That's private."
"I could have said the same to you."
"Fine." I scoffed. "Asshole." I mumbled and he chuckled. "It's a long story." I sat on the counter and he leaned on the counter by me. "Okay so my life was pretty fucked leaving me on my own. I was staying at a hotel. A hunters hotel. It was by the woods meaning hunters usually stayed there to hunter early in the morning. That's when the cops came. I ran into the woods. And," I held my fingers in the shap of a gun, "pop. That's when I found myself here." He narrowed his eyes.
"Why were the cops after you?"
"None of your business." I looked away.
"How old were you."
"18 by a day." He tilted his head.
"Was it a cop or hunter who shot you?"
"I'm guessing hunter thinking I was the white deer."
"The what?"
"The white deer. A few hunters have apparently seen a all white deer in those woods. I'm guessing that's why I look like this." His eyes widen as he takes in my story. His smile grows.
"My dear, do you want to know how I died?" I tilted my head.
  "If you're willing to share."
  "It's truly funny. I was a serial killer, hiding a fresh body in the woods when I was shot by a hunter." He moved his bangs out of the was to show an X on his head. My eyes widen.
  "Indeed." He chuckled. I looked away. I yawned and stretched my arms.
  "Loved bonding with you deer but I'm tired." I hopped off the counter and walked past him. When I was right by him a felt something weird.
  "Do you want power?" I stop right beside him.
  "I'm not giving you my soul."
  "Keep it, I don't want it."
  "What do you want?"
Words: 679
Willows notes: I'm writing so much bc idk how much I'll be able to write during the weeks. And I'm bored lol

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