~Chapter 6•Jealousy~

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      •1st person•a week after chapter 4•
It feels like Vox has had me working nonstop. That's because he has. I've only been at the hotel for small activities. The first night I slept at the hotel but Vox did not like that. After that I stayed with Vox, only coming back for activities and drinks with husk(usually angel too). Alastor took notice of it all. He didn't do anything. Or so I thought.
   I had just gotten back from the Vee's place. It was a slow day. Just modeling and Vox being Vox. His sinstagram profile had millions of new followers because he started posting of me and him. The latest is me in my robe getting my makeup done. I stuck my tongue and and did the peace sign. Vox however was kissing my cheek. After he took the photo I got upset at him yet he posted it anyway and people went crazy. Apparently, Alastor saw it too.
   So I'm now sitting at the bar listening to angel and husk have their conversation. I take a drink of my whiskey. It was drawn out as I close my eyes. I clicked my tongue after and slowly opened my tired eyes. My eyes shot open however when I was in a different room. Looking around it started to look like an old broken ranger lookout at parks.
"I told you to tell me if he did anything." A hand was placed on my shoulder and spun my chair around.
"Al, it's not that big of a deal. It's just a photo." I hope to god he had only seen the one since he's so old fashioned. I assume someone was looking at it and he saw over their shoulder.
"One? Now you have the guts to lie to me because another overlord is toying with you. Speak the truth before things get messy." He held my chin in one of his hands, claws slowly digging into my skin.
"Who showed you?" He chuckled while his grip tightened.
"I don't think you're in the position to be asking questions dear." He stood up straight.
  "Alastor you ain't the one that owns me, fuck off." I stood up. I was pushed back hard by him.
  "Did I say I was done? You were supposed to tell me if he did something you didn't like." He leans down again.
  "That's all he does is shit I hate! I can't do anything about it! This is your fault anyway!" I show my teeth out of annoyance. Although he would have laughed at me if he wasn't so pissed. I just had my two small fangs on my canines.
"I've seen the photos. A friend showed me it all." I scuffed. Fucking hell how can this get any worse. "And I see how you stumble in after 'long nights' as you say." He leans down closer. "Your legs wobble like you stayed the night at a whore house." I blushed and looked away. It got worse.
  "He has a little fun okay? Everyone has to let there anger or emotions out on something." My  chin was grabbed and my gaze moved back to Alastor. His grip was gentle, unlike other times he touched me.
  "You are a something. You are a person." He stood up. "Let me guess, he also hits you? And he touches your ears so you don't fight as much when he fucks you?" My ears went back and I grit my teeth.
  "How do you know what happens when people touch my ears?" I cross my arms over my chest. He chuckles and pays my head, his hand then moves to my ear. My ears go up as he pets them softly. My face flushes red as I slap his hand away.
  "It happens to me too. I'm guessing it the deer in us. It probably happens with deers on earth too." He leans down again. His eyes glance around my face. "I'll deal with him. You're staying here from now on unless you're working. And he won't touch you again." He puts his hand on my cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb.
   Since when is he so gentle and caring? I put my hand on his and try not to cry. Stress plus no sleep makes emotions come out easier I guess. Next thing I knew I was waking up in bed. It was not my room.
Words: 742
Willows notes: long chapters for all stories today lol.

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