~Chapter 3•Hide and Seek~

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      •1st person•
   So Charlie thought it would be a great fucking idea to play partner hide and seek so we can bond. Charlie knew everyone liked me but she wasn't sure about Alastor, unaware of the deal him and I made a night prior. So she made teams. Her and husk, Vaggie and cherry, Angel and Lucifer, me and Alastor. Nifty was the first seeker. Charlie said we have to stick together but Vaggie didn't trust us. She had Lucifer make some weird sort of handcuffs not even he could break out of. Vaggie had the key. Charlie said it might be overkill but Vaggie disagreed.
   That's how I ended up chest to chest in a closet with one of the most powerful overlords in hell. I look up and could see the glow of his eyes aluminate his face dimly and probably mine as well. He smelt like cologne but the good kind, not that cheap shit. He seemed to be enjoying my uncomfortable facial expressions because I can feel him chuckle in his chest from time to time.
  "Stop that."
  "Stop what dear?"
  "You're laughing at me."
  "Yes, so?" Wow he is blunt.
  "It's rude."
  "Then stop making those funny faces." He leaned down and narrowed his eye causing me to blush deeply. I hope because his eyes glow red he can see it. Fuck he saw, I felt him chuckle again.
  "Prick." I mumbled. I felt a hand grab my throat. Claws dug into my skin but didn't pierce it yet.
"Watch your tongue." I reached up and grabbed his wrist weakly with both my hands. He loosened a little.
  "I'm sorry." I managed to squeak out before he fully let go. He leaned down, his mouth was by my ear.
  "Watch what you say before I make your throat so hoarse from screaming my name, you'll have to choice but to shut it." I couldn't utter a word. Did he just...? This man. Soon nifty opened the closet door and I was a blushing mess while Alastor was his smiling self. Turns out we were the last ones found so everyone saw me red as a tomato. It was Alastor's turn to be seeker next...
Willows notes: short but there will be a part 2 where Alastor is more hot and scary lol

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