~Chapter 9•Minions~

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    ⚠️S/A mentioned⚠️
•1st person•
"That's stupid. Why would anyone do that?" Alastor rested his chin on my shoulder. As of now I was laying on my stomach reading a romance novel in Alastor's room. It was kinda a weird one because the plot revolves around Stockholm syndrome. Other then that it's a good book.
"Al it's something that happens." He replied with a hum. He had leaned over me and rested his chin on my shoulder.
"That's kind of stupid." He sat beside me. I sat up and leaned my back on his side. He turn and rested his head on top of mine.
"It's interesting. Besides it has good romance." I flip the page. After a few seconds he points at a sentence.
"So you're just reading sex?"
"It's called smut and no, it has actually drama and romance in it." He takes the book from my hands and lays back, causing my head to land on his stomach. I quickly turn over onto my stomach and look up at him. He looked pretty invested in it.
"You wanna borrow it?"
"May I?"
"You may...for a price." A smirk came across my face. He laughed.
"And what's that?"
"A kiss." His eyes grew wide and he sat up. He place a kiss on my forehead.
  "You said a kiss." He climbed on the bed and rested his back flush against the headboard. I sat up on my knees and scooted over to him. For a moment I hesitated. What if he gets mad at me? He raised an eyebrow. "Something amiss my dear?" Fuck it. I leaned in and softly pressed my lips against his. I felt him tense and hesitant before a felt claws on my scalp forcing my head closer. After a while he pulled me back.
  "You can keep the book now." I smiled as he simply chuckled.
  "How was introducing the new guests?"
  "Oh you know..."
   I made my way down to the Lordy where the guests are. There was three.
  "Hi y'all, I'm Y/N." I walked up to them and held out a hand. The tallest took my hand.
  "Maggie." He was lengthy man with an old magician get up. His eyes were rings of purple and blue. He wore a top hat with a red stripe. He wore a huge toothy smile. The second tallest took my hand.
  "Wilson Limbo." He took my hand and kissed the top. He then smiled a creepy smile. His teeth were red and pointed. He had bright white skin. His eyes yellow with red irises. He had a blue and yellow pin striped over coat. On his chest was another eye. He wore a hat with teeth and eyes that had the same stripes as his coat.
  "And you are-" Wilson grabbed my hand stopping me for shaking the girls hand.
  "That's Roxane. I wouldn't shake her hand unless you wanna lose it darling." Now that he's talking more I can hear his southern accent. Roxane looked like a chipmunk. Her hair was a little above shoulder length and she had a bandanna in her mocha hair. It was a light brick res with a white pentagon on it. She wore boots and fish net stockings. She had a skin tight skirt that was black and topped with a belt. She had a V-neck shirt on that's the same red color as her bandanna. She also had a necklace and a leather jacket.
   ~if my descriptions ain't good look at the pic at the start of the chap~
  "I see. Well I'm assuming you got the forms filled out. If you follow me I'll take you to y'all's rooms." I turned my back and began walking. While walking down a hall to Roxane's room I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.
  "What's a sweet thing like you doing here?" I was met with Wilson's face by mine. I kept my face forward.
  "In hell? Oh...haha it's not much." I haven't even told Angel dust, I'm not telling a creepy stranger.
  "Come on sweetheart," I felt the hand slip down my side, "loosen up." His hand rested on my waist which I finally did a 180 getting ti Roxane's room.
  "This is Roxane's room." I hand her the key before walking quickly in front of the other two. On Wilson's floor I felt to hands on my waist that pulled me back, stopping my movement.
  "I know I'm coming on strong but you outta know we ain't here for redemption. We're here to keep an eye on you kid." His lips were by the shell of my ear.
  "Vox doesn't trust me that much huh? So he had to send a prick who sexually assaults girls to do his dirty work." A hand clapped over my mouth with a sting.
  "Watch your mouth girl. Vox gave us permission to do as we please." I felt the same clammy hand crawl under my shirt and grope my bra. I felt my ears go back and hot tears run down my cheeks.
  "Wilson enough. She got the message. Keep your perverted kinks to yourself." That was Maggie's voice. Wilson let me go and smacked my ass. My fists clenched after he took the keys out of my hands.
  "We'll find our way from here." Wilson walked off while Maggie faced me.
  "I wouldn't tell the princess about this because then she'll question you. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Fuck, Vox is using our deal to blackmail me.
  "Yeah they were nice people." I laid back down, my back to Alastor. He ran his fingers up and down my back.
  "That's good dear."
Willows notes: THAT ART AINT MINE. Anyway long chapter for a dead book am I right? Next chapter we'll get a look into Al's thoughts bc why not. I'm working on the other stories I promise. Love you guys so so so so much omfg ahhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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