~Chapter 5•Our Deal~

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•1st person•the night Al and Y/N made a deal•
I hopped off the counter and walked past him. When I was right by him a felt something weird.
  "Do you want power?" I stop right beside him.
"I'm not giving you my soul."
"Keep it, I don't want it."
"What do you want?"
  "I saw you go into the Vee's place. Are you working with one of them?" My ears go down and my eyes grow wide. Though he could probably only see my ears.
"Vox gave me an offer. I turned it down."
"What type of offer?"
  "He wanted to make me a star. More than anything he wanted to piss you off."
  "And how would that make me upset?" He turned towards me.
  "Imagine you win the little war you and Vox have going on by getting a person with a TV head on your show. It's like rubbing salt in the wound. A deer on his TV shows making him rich and more powerful." Alastor laughs.
  "And you turned this down why?"
  "He wants part of my soul. Not all. And he wanted me to do some X rated shit. Just a bunch of stuff."
  "Take his deal."
  "You heard me now don't act deaf." He gently moved my chin to face him. I tried to move out of his grip but it was firm. "Take his deal. I want a new staff."
  "Just get a new one wherever you got the old one from." He laughs once before his four fingers curl around the back of my neck. Leaving his thumb under my chin to make me look up at him. His claws slowly digging deeper. "If I do you have to give me power and get me out of the deal right after." As I speak his smile grows wider.
  "But to do that dear I would have to own your soul." Damn this guy is smart.
  "You said you didn't want my fucking sou-" His thumb dug into my bottom jaw making me whine in pain.
  "It's simple. He shall own your soul in the studio, I shall own it everywhere else. You will get your power and out of his deal. And if you behave I might let you have your soul back." I grabbed his wrist with my hands making him loosen his grip.
  "I'm not a fucking dog." I say threw gritted teeth. "You're lucky I need the power." His thumb when back to pushing into my jaw. I felt the hot blood run onto my neck. I heard it drip on the floor when I wasn't whining.
  "Then we have a deal." He let go. I held my chin. "Oh hush it wasn't that bad."
  "It fucking hurt!" He scoffed and looked at it again. He stuck out his hand. I reluctantly took it.
  "Good girl." He patted my head and I felt my chin again. It was gone. He healed it.
  "Thanks." I said quietly. He had his back turned as he walked out but when he turned the corner I swore I saw his ears go back. Did he...feel bad about hurting me? I'm probably just tired.
Willows notes:I thought y'all need lore lol. I noticed I'm making Alastor the bad guy that he probs is and not showing the fluffy side but I promise we're getting to the fluff

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