~Chapter 8•Work~

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•1st person•
I walk up to his room slowly. I poke my head in the doorway. With hesitation I walk in. I hear the door lock and shut.
"You took something without asking."
"But it looks good on me." I smile. His footsteps behind me stop.
"You aren't scared of me anymore." He walked around to face me.
"You're a teddy bear. Why be scared?" I smile and my ears go up. I was pushed against a wall.
  "You need to be scared." His fingers wrapped around my throat. His grip was not firm only forceful. My fingers curled around his wrist. My ears shot back.
  "Make me." I bared my teeth. He sighed loudly and let me go.
"Charlie said we have new guests. She wants you to show them around while she's in a meeting with her father."
"You're telling me this why?"
"She asked me too."
"Are you okay?" I reached my hand up to try and cup his cheek. He turned his head away.
"I'm fine darling." His static was gone.
"You're not."
"Wait in the lobby for the guests." He put his hand on my lower back to get me away from the wall. When I turned to make my protest I was stopped. He held his hands firm on my hips. His chest was close against my back. I felt myself trembling.
"Y-Yes Al I got it." His nails dug into the flesh on my hips. His forehead rested against the side of my head.
"Good. I hate repeating myself." He forced my backside flush against him. Completely unlike him he moved hair out of the way of my neck and kissed my neck softly. "I fucking love your fear." He whispered. He gave me a soft push on my lower back. "Go on."
I nodded and walked out slowly turning into a speed walk half way down the hall after feeling his eyes on me.
"Keep the jacket. It looks good on you darling."
Willows notes:I was bored and updated this story. Let me know if anyone actually reads this

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