~Chapter 7•Cigarettes and Scars~

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•1st person•
I look around. I look down at myself. I was in a baggy tee and shorts. Well that's what I usually sleep in but why am I in this room? I swing my legs over the side and walk around. Cologne. There was cologne on the dresser. I spray it on my wrist and sniff it. Alastor...that's what it smells like. No, no it's probably just a popular cologne...right?
I walk around some more. It was so neat and clean. Maybe it's nifty's room and she stole Alastor's cologne. Sounds like something she would do. Man I need a cigarette. Wait, Vox gave me power and so did Alastor. Let's try...damn I'm good at this. I go out to the balcony and light a cigarette. Weird, the Vee's signs aren't lit.
   After a few cigarettes I hear the door open and shut. Turning around I see Alastor, throwing his overcoat off. His eyes widened when he saw me.
  "You're still here?" He walked up to me.
  "Why was I in your room?" I look up at him lighting another cigarette.
  "I thought you needed some sleep." He grabbed my chin and tilted it up. He took my cigarette out of my mouth and stomped it out. He never looked away from my eyes.
  "So you knocked me out?" I used the back of my hand to move his hand away from my chin. I looked down at his shirt and gasped. I looked over at his coat, they all had blood on them. Looking at Alastor's arms I saw cuts. Even his shirt was a little torn up. "Al, what the fu-"
  "Language dear. I did what was necessary." He pat my head and walked back in his room. I followed.
  "You hurt Vox?!"
  "So?" He looked over his shoulder at me.
  "So?! He's my boss! I'm so dead!" I flop on his bed. He chuckles.
  "He also won't hurt you again." He mumbled the next part, "if he can even walk." I pop up and grit my teeth.
  "AL!" My eyes widen seeing him shirtless. "Al-"
  "I'm taking a shower, calm down." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I ran my hand subconsciously over his chest.
  "You have a scar." He looked down with wide eyes. His eyes were either from me touching him or because I noticed.
  "It was from the extermination, when I fought Adam." He grabbed my hand gently, not moving it away but not letting me move up and down his scar. I held my hand in place on his chest. My ears went back and I looked up. He was looking back at me. After a few seconds he snapped out of it and walked into the restroom.
   Well I was a blushing mess. I went back out onto the balcony thinking. My phone buzzed and I sighed. Vox was probably cussing me out. Looking down there was a text from Vox.
   My eyes widened as I read it over and over. What did Alastor do to this man? Whatever it is it worked. I wonder if Alastor has any modern clothes or anything comfortable I can take. I look through the closet to find an old jacket. Just a plain grey one. Sweet. I put it on and walk out.
   Downstairs I find everyone where they always are. I sit by Angel and he immediately starts oooing.
  "Who's jacket is that toots? Your new boy toy's?" He looked it up and down. I giggled like a school girl.
  "Maybe. Maybe not. Husk can I get a whiskey. What's that look for...?" He looked at me breathlessly.
  "That's Alastor's old jacket." He handed me a bottle. "You'll need this when he finds out."
  "Wait what's so special about it? It's the only jacket I found. The rest was old shit." I take a drink from the bottle.
  "Really I don't know how you survived in hell this long." He looked at me like I was a goldfish. I stick my tongue out at him.
  "Bitch." I flip him off and drink my whiskey peacefully. My phone buzzed again.
        "can we talk? its important."
   Well Alastor didn't take good enough care of him I guess.
        "Sure see you soon."
   I powered off my phone after I sent that.
  "Nifty!" She came right up to me.
  "Yes Y/N?"
  "Get rid of this, okay?" She happily took it and ran off spouting some weird shit.
"Y/N. My room. Now." Fuck.
Willows notes:short chapter bc I've been at state for 3 days. I can only place up to 3rd cuz I lost one :( but it's all good

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