~Chapter 4•Hunter and Prey~

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•1st person•
So it's Alastor's turn to seek. I'm scared shitless. Before I hid Alastor whispered in my ear, "Hide good because you don't want to know what will happen if I find you." Then his magic broke the chains. Apparently Lucifer didn't make them Alastor proof. Then he said "Run little prey." With a chuckle. I did so. I'm on the roof hiding on top of the sign. I sat on the 'H' in Hazbin. I sat and hummed, confident he wouldn't find me. My confidence disappeared when I heard the roof door open.
  "That's not running." I turned around to see him closing the door.
  "How did you-"
  "Not important." I hopped down. When I looked back up he was gone. I felt someone's hands wrap around my waist and pull me back. Fingers crept around my throat. I looked up at Alastor, my ears back. "Awww, is the prey sacred." I showed my teeth, I had two fangs on my canines. It didn't do more than make him laugh.
  "What do you want. You've been fucking with me all day." He leaned down closer to my face.
  "I want my part of the deal."
  "It's been a day! Give me some time. It's a big ask."
  "Neither of us have time my dear." His grip on my throat tightened. I whined like a dog when it doesn't get its food. Gods, I sound helpless. He lowered his mouth to my ear. "Get it done before you find out what happens." He let go and pushed me away. "You're whine is quite cute." I looked back and he was gone. I sat in the lobby, soon they were all found.
  "Hey toots, what's with ya ears?" Angel went to touch my ears and I backed away. I didn't notice they were still down.
  "I'm fine. It just got loud in my hiding spot." Alastor chuckled from a distance. "Charlie I'm done for today. I have something to attend to." And with that I walked out. Soon I was at the Vee's studio.
  "The pretty deer is back! It's only been a day or two. What do you want from little old Vox, hm?" Val said as I walked to the elevator. I said nothing back. I went up to Vox's floor. He wasn't in his room so I went to his office. Sure enough he was cussing up a storm over something dumb.
  "Vox." He went silent the turned in his chair with a huge smile.
  "Did you reconsider my offer, star?" He got up and walked over to me, circling me slowly.
  "I want something in return." Hopefully Alastor's power will be enough to break this deal after a while.
  "And what's that?" He stopped in front of me and leaned down close.
••••••••••time skip••••••••••
   I threw the cane at Alastor. He popped up.
  "Thank you my dearest. You should get cleaned up, you look like you've had a ruff night." He chuckled and held his new cane.
  "Shut the fuck up. I gave you my end of the deal so you can stop pestering me." He laughed more.
  "Good job my dear. I'll get you out of his deal as soon as I can."
  "As soon as you can?! When's that gonna be!"
  "When I can." He pushed me against the wall and pushed his hand into my shoulder, keeping me in place. My ears when back and I growled in pain. "Stop questioning me. Remember who has the power here." He leaned in and moved the collar of my shirt to show my collar bone. On it was a green tattoo of a toothy smile. "I own you. Don't forget it." He let go of me and walked away, chuckling. I can't wait until I get more power. He stops at the doorway. "Tell me if he does anything to you."
  "Why do you care?" I basically hiss. He hesitated then walked out. I call that progress.
Willows notes:we will get closer to him but we gotta show the true Al first right. Lol, tell me what y'all wanna see.

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