My Azure Rose

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Hello minions! Been along time since we last talked! Hope you're having a spectacular summer, and I really think you'll like this chapter I made for ya!~ just you and Sonic time, that's right baby! Felt like I was adding me and Shadow a bit too much into the book, don'tcha think? And yes that is an Amy X Sonic video, but only put it up there because of the song, k? Anyways, enjoy! Laters!
***Sydney's POV***
I began theory's in my head seeing my friend Shade wasn't acting any different from before, the fact Shadow attacked her and wasn't in complete form must mean Shade was having a one night trip of being a werehog, good thing too. We already have enough on our hands with these two bozos. I'll tell Sonic later, it seems he's having relationship problems due to the fact he has Shadow on his back all the time, and even worse Shade is going home tonight because she has work to worry about, which means Shadow won't be occupied anymore and bother Sonic again. We better hurry and fix this, and soon! Not only will Sonic and Shadow become killer animals at night permanently but also end up in heartbreak! We've got to take action. Tonight.

***Sonic's POV***
Today I'm planning a special surprise for (y/n)! I'm taking her to the park where we first met and take her to my 'special zone' to have a romantic picnic, I know it's not really something I would do but I'm only doing it for her. I had gotten everything set up and sped home to get her. I came inside and found her sitting at the couch watching the news, I turned it off and of course she got a little angry but I cut her off before she could protest "Hey (y/n), do you mind coming with me to the park today? I want to show you something?" I asked and she gave me that loving smile I adore so much "Of course Sonic! Just let me go change real quick, okay?" I nodded and she ran upstairs. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for what seemed like forever for her to get ready, girls take to much time just choosing what they should wear and then they just have to wear to makeup and then spend an hour fixing their hair! Just put on a t-shirt and jeans, pull your hair into a ponytail, and wear some tennis shoes, it's that simple! That's all you need to wear to keep me satisfied! I snapped out my thoughts as I heard footsteps come from down the stairs, she skipped a few steps and landed in front of me, I tilted my head "What took you so long?!" I asked and she giggled "I was only gone for 5 minutes?" I stopped tapping my foot and avoided contact as I felt my face heat up, I scolded myself in my head and picked her up bridal style "Ready to go (y/n)?" I asked and she nodded "Ready as I'll ever be!" She answered cheerfully, I grinned and sped off out the door and to our destination.

***(y/n)'s POV***
I held on tightly to Sonic as he ran into the park and skidded to a stop at a random and empty location in the trees, he set me down and unexpectedly something covered my eyes making me go blind "Sonic? I-I can't see! This better not be another prank mister or you're in big trouble!" I threatened, he grabbed my wrist and guided me to the unknown. After a few wobbly steps, he held me still and everything went bright, my eyes adjusted to the lighting and stood in awe of the beautiful sight. It was a clearing on a hill surrounded with cherry blossoms and the ground with soft, tall grass along with freshly scented violets, it was breath taking. I gasped as I saw a picnic blanket with all my favorite foods and drinks "Sonic.. this is so sweet of you! How did you ever get the time to set this up at such a beautiful place?" I asked and he smirked lovingly "I wanted to share with you my place of paradise.. just remember that you're my little piece of heaven, so this is nothing compared to your beauty!" He winked at me and I blushed a little, I fiddled with my feet and quickly gave him a peck on the cheek "Thanks Sonic... it's so romantic of you.." I giggled, he gave me that amazing smile that adore so much and rubbed his arm. After having our lovely lunch, we laid back and stared at the sky making shapes out of the clouds, our hands clasped together. Sonic is so amazing, he just stands out above the others, like an azure rose... beautiful and bold... I'm just glad I was the lucky girl to get to call him mine...

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