The End...NOT!! XD

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After being told the plan (y/n), Tails and Sydney ran up the metal stairs to get more antidote while Shadow distracted Sonic. Shadow held his gun tightly as he approached the snarling beast "Sonic! This isn't you! Snap out of it!" He tried to convince him but it didn't work, he charged and snapped his teeth missing his target, Shadow rolled over and knelt on his knee from barely escaping his attack, he held his gun up "Sonic you need to wake up or I'll kill you!!" He shouted angrily, again his attempt to get Sonic to calm down failed. Sonic circled the ebony hedgehog and pounced on top of him, snapping his teeth trying to reach his throat, Shadow struggled to hold the knife-like teeth from cutting into him, and his plus clawing wasn't helping "Tails where's that antidote?!" He shouted and Tails came to the rail with the antidote in his hand "We need to inject him with the serum, but it's too dangerous manually, any ideas?" He looked up at the two females and Sydney shrugged, (y/n) shakily grabbed her gun and sighed from pressure and Sydney's eyes widened "If we're going to do this, I'm going to need and empty dart." She instructed and Tails flew off to find one, she looked down to see Shadow struggling "Shadow! Change in plans, we're going to shoot him with a dart containing the serum, I'm going to need you to hold him still!!" She called out Shadow tilted his head to see her "WHAT?! Are you CRAZY?!!" She groaned "JUST DO IT OK?!!" She shouted at him angrily. He nodded and continued wrestling Sonic. Soon Tails came back and handed (y/n) the dart to her and she loaded it, she carefully aimed it at the werehog but had a hard time keeping up "Shadow! Do you think you can hold him still for a moment?!" She asked and he responded harshly "I'm trying! It's not easy wrestling a giant mutt you know!!" She rolled her eyes and began running down the stairs until Tails caught her arm "What are you doing?! He'll kill you!!" She snatched her arm away and looked at him sternly "I have to do this. If I don't do this now Shadow could be killed and we'd be next. Don't worry, I'll be fine! Just believe it!!" She shouted to him as she ran the rest of the way. She whistled and caught the werehog's attention "Hey! Come and get it!!" She called as she shook her bottom in a teasing manner, he growled and charged after her, she quickly lifted her gun and shot him in the shoulder and he fell back and laid lifeless on the cold metal ground, she dropped the gun and ran to his side "Sonic? Baby? Please be ok, please be ok..." She prayed as she held him in her arms, tears forming in her eyes, she shook him and he didn't move "S-Sonic?.." She chocked as tears began to fall, she hugged him as she began to weep. The rest of the team quietly and slowly surrounded the two and looked down sadly, even Shadow was a little sad, it went quiet until a hand wrapped around her neck causing to gasp and look up to be greeted by the blue hero's smile, she laughed a little and tackled him into a hug "Thank the Master Emerald you're ok!" He chuckled and gladly hugged her back, Tails and Sydney cheered happily while Shadow simply crossed his arms and smirked, she sniffed and separated from the embrace and gave him a passionate kiss, he tensed up but happily kissed back. Shadow coughed separating the two and both got up "Thanks Shadow. As much as I hate to say it, I enjoyed your stay." Shadow scoffed "Yeah, well.. I did too.." Sonic grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck "Oooooohhh!! Does that mean we're?.." Shadow looked away and growled a little "Yeah I guess it does.." He sighed and Sonic gasped "Maybe we can be best friends! Fighting side by side against all crime!!" He cheered and Shadow pushed him away "You're just pushing it now.." They laughed and went home on a successful day...

Author: Shade The Hedgehog
(Y/n) The (A/t)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Shadow The Hedgehog
Tails The Fox
Shade The Hedgehog
The End....
Or is it?..
_______________(SNEAK PEEK)__________________
After the group went home in celebration of a successful mission, a mysterious smoke formed creating figures of three familiar forms smiling evilly showing rows of what appeared to be the cast of sharp teeth ... They looked like three certain heroes...One of Sonic..Shadow.. And last... Silver..

Thanks again my little minions  for everything you done, and of course we're on to the next book called: War of The Packs: The Best of Brothers! That's right! Sonic, Shadow and Silver go into a haunting story and became closer than just friends, but become brothers. I'll see you in the next adventure! Later!

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