Time Is Ticking...

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As the stars began to spread, you noticed there was a full moon and heard loud growls... Soon Sydney came running down the stairs and grabbed your wrist "We got to go, now. If we don't go to Eggman's base, they'll become permanent werehogs!" She exclaimed, you shot up and went to get Sonic while she got Shadow. Tails came not a minute too late and flew quickly to the base, once approaching the abandoned base, you all stood in horror of the sight before you, the entire space craft was covered with dark liquid and dark purple smoke clouds "What happened here?" You asked, they only shrugged and the plane landed. The stench was thick with the scent of tar and smoke with a hint of... Vanilla? Sonic sniffed the air "What is this a vampire zone?" He joked hinting the faint vanilla scent, Shadow rolled his eyes and you continued on.  As you walked through the ruins, your ears twitched at the sound of clicks of metal tumbling down, flinching once in awhile, you stopped when you heard a simple 'Hey!' And looked over to see Tails waving you over, you came and he tried pushing a heavy and broken metal door and Sonic came over and helped him open it, and you stood in awe and fear with the colorful serums and sharp giant needles (Rainbow Factory much?). You slowly walked in looking left to right "Wow. Eggman really went at it didn't he? How are we possibly going to find the serums when there's so many?!" Sydney asked and you shrugged "Question we should be asking if there really is one?" Shadow corrected and you placed your hands on your hips "You know the saying 'A needle in a hay stack'? Well, means we're going to have to split up and to look around, don't stop searching until we find one, alright?" They nodded and splitter up into groups of two, Sonic had gone along with you and you noticed he was stumbling and couldn't keep a straight walk "Sonic are you ok?" He nodded but quickly shook his head as he held his head "I'm just getting a little dizzy from this headache.. I-I'll be fine I promise." You hesitated but nodded, you began to quicken up the pace knowing it wouldn't be long before he would lose control...

Dog Fights: Two Dogs. One Alpha. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now