Naughty Sonic

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*Warning: contain scenes not appropriate for children under the age of 12+. Viewers aggression is advised..(( AKA may get a little hot in here ;) ))* and please don't be hating but in this story you're a Christian alright? If you're going to say something mean like saying how your an atheist, then I'm just going to tell you I don't give a crap. Ok deal with it and respect other people religion so just shut up alright? Ok? Good.
***Sonic's POV***
I can't do this! Looks like I'm left no choice but to use my secret weapon!!...puppy begging.. It works every time! I came downstairs and attached myself to (y/n)'s leg "(y/n)? Pweaz don't mwake me wear the mwaid outfwit.." I begged with an irresistible and adorable voice, I gave her my famous puppy eyes and pouted, she tried to keep a straight face but slowly broke "ERR OK!! But you two still need to clean up the place..", I smirked as she reminded me of the maid outfit "You would wear that maid outfit for me... wouldn't you?~" I teased, she snapped her head back down with her cheeks completely red "N-No!", I gave her puppy eyes and she sighed "Ok! I'll wear the outfit just stop giving me those giant adorable eyes!", I kissed her cheek and ran upstairs. After five minutes of waiting she finally got out of our room and dang she was sexy! I felt shivers go down my spine, and no, I wasn't cold. (Y/n)'s muzzle was painted 50 shades of red, which was adorable, I zipped behind her and pulled her close "Hey babe~ I got admit you look bad in that for good girl like you~" I purred, I wrapped my arms under her breast and bit my lip "You don't mind if I be a bad boy for awhile do ya?~" I felt her shiver as I bit lovingly on her neck, I'm guessing that's a yes~ I kissed her neck all over until I found her soft spot and abused it, she let out a moan which really got me going. I took my hands and rubbed her sides which made her gasp, I bit her ear playfully and tugged while growling, making her moan more, I love teasing her~ Too bad I can't get any further, last time I did this she pushed me off of her saying she was a Christian, I teased her some more then gave her a few long kisses, then finally I stopped. Just in time too! Because Shadow came walking in while (y/n) was changing into her original everyday clothes!
Sup y'all! I know the chapters short but it has a big lesson. You shouldn't have bondage before marriage because then guess what you did? You screwed up majorly. Cause would you want your future husband making love with some other girl before you? Yeah that's what I thought, do the world a favor and don't be a slut, I'm not saying you are, but don't become one either. Well later!

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