The Quest begins, Caradhras

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3rd POV

Gandalf led the Fellowship over the bridge near a waterfall to a rocky path out of the Valley of Imladris, they walk up to pass the ruins of Eregion into the plains going up another hill Gandalf walk between two rocks with Legolas behind him, walking between the rocks is Gimli holding his axe, T/n with his crossbow on his back walks forward with Duutin snorting behind him.

Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Sam holding Bills reigns, Boromir walking between the rocks with his shield on his back, Tumnus looks around walking forward as N/n wearing his armour holding his helmet stares forward and coming up behind him is Aragorn following.

The Fellowship continue going forward "We must hold to this course, west of the Misty Mountains for 40 days" They continue walking "If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us" The Fellowship stop by some rocks Sam puts sausage on a plate "From there, our road turns east to Mordor".


I sit on a rock watching T/n and Boromir train Merry and Pippin to use swords as Gimli is with Gandalf and Duutin on another rock with Legolas and Tumnus looking around I turn back Boromir said "Two, one, five" Pippin blocks them "Good" Boromir smiles "Very good" Raising his sword T/n said "Now three, two, five".

He swings his sword for Merry to block them "Good job" Watching Aragorn said "Move your feet" I watch Merry said "Good, Pippin" He turns to block T/n sword raising my hand I said "Don't get distracted" Boromir said "Faster" At the same time him, and T/n swing their swords for Merry and Pippin to block quickly.

I smile getting up look to Frodo who smiles at Sam who shake his head I walk over seeing Gimli said "If anyone was to ask for my opinion..." Gandalf is smoking "...which I note they're not..." Gimli turns around "...I'd say we were taking the long way 'round" Snorting Duutin ask "Do you know a better way to get to Morder faster"?

Nodding Gimli said "Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria" I see the look on Gandalf's face "My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome" But Gandalf said "No, Gimli..." He shakes his head "...I would not take the road through Moria..." Gandalf nod his head "...unless I had no choice" Narrowing my eye I ask "Has something happened to Moria" Gandalf didn't speak.

Suddenly Tumnus said "Something's coming" I turn to watch him, and Legolas move pass us to get on a pair of boulders to see in the distance a black cloud I narrow my eyes a bit suddenly Pippin yells "Aah" I turn to see him waving his hand Boromir said "Sorry" But Pippin kicks Boromir who yelps then Merry hits T/n who said "Aah" Merry said "Get them".

Merry and Pippin tackles T/n and Boromir to the ground Duutin laughs I smile a bit but I look back "For the Shire" I stare at the 'cloud' Pippin said "Hold him down, Merry" I hear Aragorn calls "Gentlemen, that's enough" Then he grunts I narrow my eyes Sam ask "What is that" I walk a bit forward Gimli said "Nothing" He looks "Just a whisp of cloud".

I hear Boromir who said "It's moving fast" I stare at it "Against the wind" Tumnus jumps on a boulder to have a good look I call "Tumnus, what do you see" Staring at the 'cloud' turning to us Tumnus said "It's not a cloud it's birds" Staring Legolas said "Crebain from Dunland" I motion Tumnus who jumps back towards us Aragorn yells "Hide".

We all move I yell "Grab the supplies and hide them" Duutin grab his axe runs with me to a large boulder we slide under it just as Crebain shrieking I move my head slightly to watch them circle the area until heading back to where they come from Duutin and me slowly got up seeing the Crebain gone "They're gone".

The Fellowship slowly come out T/n said "Those Crebain don't just come and go like that" Walking from a boulder Gandalf said "Spies of Saruman" We gather around "The passage south is being watched" Turning around Tumnus ask "Where do we go" Looking at us Gandalf said "We must take the Pass of Caradhras" He turns to the snowy mountains.

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