Lothlórien and Uruk Hai

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After getting off the rocky hills we walk pass a giant lake Aragorn runs across a stream looking back at us until he stops on a boulder to see the forest in the distance, I cross the steam looking to see I ask "Is that it" Aragorn nods I turn motioning the others to follow.

We managed to get off the mountains and run across a clearing entering the woods going on a path with Aragorn leading us I look at the trees seeing leaves fall Gimli said "Shh" He motions them "Stay close, young Hobbits" I look to Gimli who leans to them "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods" Walking by a bush "An Elf witch..."

Raising a brow hearing that "...of terrible power" Duutin looks to me and I shrug "All who look upon her fall under her spell..." Suddenly a Voice said "N/n" I look to the left hearing it "...and never to seen again" I walk forward T/n who turn his head the Voice said "You have come" I shake my head a bit I saw a pair of eyes opening Tumnus ask "N/n, what is it"?

Looking to him I said "Nothing, Tumnus" I look forward "Just hearing things" I follow T/n on the path Gimli said "Well, here's one Dwarf..." I glance to the right hearing rustling "...she won't ensnare so easily" Tapping T/n who glance to me seeing my serious look he nods "I have the eyes of a hawk..." I give Tumnus and Duutin the same look and they nod "...and the ears of a fox".

I pull sword aiming just as two Elves aim their arrows at me, Tumnus aims his arrow at one Elf, Duutin growls raising his axe at three Elves, T/n aim his crossbow at an Elf along with Legolas but soon we were surrounded by Elves one Elf the Leader said "The Dwarf breathes so loud..." He stops at Aragorn "...we could have shot him in the dark" Gimli growls.

The Elves escorted us to an area high above the trees the Elf speaks with Legolas and Aragorn in Elvish placing his hands on his chest Gimli said "So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves" I roll my eyes "Speak words we can all understand" Staring I said "Tumnus" He slap Gimli at the back of his head making him grunt.

Turning to him the Elf said "We have not had dealings with the Dwarves..." He stares at him "...since the Dark Days" I sighs a bit Gimli said "And you know what this Dwarf says to that" He speaks Dwarvish I close my eyes for a moment before opening them turning around Aragorn said "That was not so courteous".

Looking towards Duutin, Tumnus, T/n and me the Elf said "We never met strange creatures and Men in different clothing before" Staring at him I said "We are from a land far from Middle Earth I speak for myself and my friends here".

The Elf stares at me for a moment before walking pass but he stops looking to Frodo he said "You bring great evil with you" I knew he means the Ring the Elf turns to Aragorn "You can go no further" He walks away as Sam and Pippin look towards Frodo who looks to them.

Now we are waiting Aragorn is trying to convince the Elf in Elvish for us to pass Legolas and Gimli are standing, Sam is sitting by himself, Merry and Pippin sit together, Frodo sits with Duutin, me, Boromir, T/n, and Tumnus he begins to notice the looks Boromir said "Gandalf's death was not in vain..." He looks to Frodo "...nor would he have you give up hope".

Frodo stares at him "You carry a heavy burden, Frodo" Boromir shake his head "Don't carry the weight of the dead" Looking to Frodo I ask "Do you want to know how the White Witch died, Frodo" Looking to me Frodo nods "Before the battle our leader Aslan sacrifice himself to save a king name Edmund who spilled his blood to the White Witch".

Grunting Duutin said "I remember from my family ancestors Aslan went to the Stone Table and that's where the Witch killed him" Nodding T/n moves a bit he said "I can't remember how he help defeating her" Leaning back I said "From what I was told that the Stone Table cracked reversing the process and reviving by one who hasn't spilled it".

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