Fangorn Forest, The Black Gate

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Treebeard is walking through the forest he said, "O rowan mine" He takes another step on his shoulder is Pippin and on top is Merry "I saw you shine" He spread his arms "Upon a summer's day" Pippin glance up to Merry who looks back to him listening "Upon your head" He sighs "How golden-red".

Treebeard turns spread his arms again then raise his right arm "The crown you bore loft" Merry yawns cover his mouth "Such beautiful verse" Looking down Merry ask "Is it much further" Treebeard said "Bru-ha-hroom" He turn his head "Don't be hasty" Treebeard takes another step "You might call it far, perhaps".

Shows Fangorn Forest over the trees "My home lies deep in the forest..." Beyond is more Fangorn on the mountains "...near the roots of the mountain" Treebeard walks forward "I told Gandalf I would keep you safe" He raise his arm "And safe is where I'll keep you safe" He walk pass a tree "I believe you all will enjoy this next one too".

Merry sighs a bit bored as Pippin listens "It's one of my own compositions" He clear his throat "Right" Treebeard begins "Beneath the roof" Pippin adjust himself "Of sleeping..." Shows a section of Fangorn "...leaves" Beyond is more of Fangorn Forest "And the dreams of trees unfold" Treebeard takes a breath "When woodlands halls are green and cold".

Fades to another section that had fog "And the wind is in the West" Fades to show the mountain with trees and cloud covering the forest next to it "Come back to me" Fades to show the mountains, trees, and clouds "Come back to me" Treebeard keeps walking "And say my land is best" He looks to see Merry and Pippin are asleep he walks forward quietly.

Nighttime arrived Treebeard gently lowers Merry and Pippin to the ground "Sleep, little Shirelings" Treebeard lets go stands "Heed no nightly noise" Merry, and Pippin move a bit to get comfortable "Sleep till morning light".

Fully standing up Treebeard stares at them "I have business in the forest" He turn his head "There are many to call" Treebeard turns "Many that must come" He fully turns "A Shadow lies on Fangorn" Treebeard starts to walk "The withering of all woods is drawing near" He walks away.


We had set up camp Legolas, Gimli, Duutin, Tumnus and T/n are all sleeping as I got up with Aragorn to walk over to Gandalf who stood facing the red glow in the distance he said "The veiling shadow that glowers in the East takes shape" We stood on either side of him "Sauron will suffer no rival" I listen to Gandalf "From the summit of Barad Dûr , his Eye watches ceaselessly".

Gandalf takes a breath "But he is not mighty yet that he is above fear" We look to Gandalf "Doubt ever gnaws at him" He nods looking to Aragorn "The rumour has reached him:..." Aragorn looks to Gandalf "The heir of Numenor still lives" I stare at Aragorn "Sauron fears you, Aragorn" I glance to Gandalf "He fears what you may become".

Aragorn looks forward "And so he'll strike hard and fast at the world of Men" I look at the glow "He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan" I nod a bit "War is coming" We all stare at the glow "Rohan must defend itself".

I took a deep breath "And there in likes our first challenge..." Aragorn and I listen to Gandalf "...for Rohan is weak, and ready to fall" I look to Gandalf who looks between us "The king's mind is enslaved, it's an old device of Saruman's" He shake his head "His hold over King Théoden is now very strong" Gandalf looks back "Sauron and Saruman are tightening the noose".

But Gandalf lower his head "But for all their cunning..." He stares forward "...we have one advantage" Aragorn and I look to Gandalf who looks to us "The Ring remains hidden" I smile a bit "And that we should seek to destroy it..." Gandalf turn his head "...has not yet entered their darkest dreams" I glance to Gandalf "And so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards Mordor..."

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