Chapter 122 - Third Day

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Sunlight streamed into Kieran's room, and as he opened his eyes, a bright glow escaped them before disappearing.

Looking at his two hands, he squeezed them several times with a satisfied look.

"This orb is incredible," he said as a golden circle made of ancient inscriptions appeared in his right eye.

[Kieran Arvost]
[Crystal Tree Status (1):
Name: Rock Wolf Transformation
Refinement Rate: 2230/20,000]
[Crystal Tree Status (2):
Name: Giant Swordsman of Fire Transformation
Refinement Rate: 2230/20,000]
[Crystal Essence: 4460]

Seeing how much his crystal essence had increased in just one night, Kieran's face was filled with astonishment. He glanced into his spiritual world and saw that he had only used a quarter of the orb.

"With what's left of the orb, I should be able to reach almost 6000 crystal essence within a few days. The improvement is rapid, and there are no impurities in the orb. It's truly incredible. It's a shame I won't be able to return to the tower until next month to get more of it."

"Maybe I should try the cultivation rooms in the tower as soon as I finish using the orb."

"It's only my third day here, but I'm already getting good results. Master was right. It wasn't a bad idea to come here."

As he remembered his last two days at the academy, the image of a girl with long silver hair appeared in his mind. Then, as if something had been triggered in his mind, another silhouette emerged, this one shrouded in a dark veil, making her features impossible to discern.

Kieran shook his head, regaining his composure.

"What am I thinking? Why do these two suddenly appear in my mind..."

Having difficulty understanding his own thoughts, he got up from his bed to get ready.


An hour later, Kieran regretted his words. He was following the lecture in front of him with an empty mind.

The lecture focused on the flora within the Aegis Alliance and the ones that could be discovered on the other side of the rifts.

"Why do I have to take classes on plants? How will that help me when I'm in a rift?" he said with a sigh.

He didn't understand anything of the Professor's explanation, and due to the lack of attention he paid to the subject, he couldn't stay focused on the content.

Elseria, who was beside him, glanced at him, "Some plants have interesting peculiarities. Some of them were even used by ancient cultivators when they decided to create a secret realm."

She pointed to a plant that had delicate petals shimmering with an unearthly iridescence, ranging from ethereal blues to soft purples on the holographic screen behind the Professor, before continuing, "For example, if used in a small amount, the Memory Echo Lotus allows you to create illusions from a person's memory, ancient cultivators used them to create memories of their old battles or important events of their lives for those who enter their secret realm after their death to leave a legacy behind them.

But if the Memory Echo Lotus proliferates in an area in the wild without being controlled, they can resonate with each other and exponentially increase the power of their illusion effect. Cultivators can find themselves trapped in an illusion without being aware of it. When crossing such an area, the Memory Echo Lotus will then use the memories of the person trapped in the illusion against them.

Only alchemists need great knowledge regarding plants, but it is interesting to know some of them which can be dangerous in their natural environment."

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