I Try to Picture Me Without You, But I Can't

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Unsure about what had just happened, Marinette looked around the store cupboard she was currently standing in. One moment she was caught up in being nosey and watching a romantic proposal whilst offering Adrien a life changing decision of M&Ms, and the next, Adrien was on his feet, dragging her through the theatre and throwing her in here – wherever here was.

Pressing an ear to the door, she could hear the screams from those around her. What was going on? And more importantly, where the hell was Adrien?

"Tikki, can you please go and check this out?"

Quickly, the small red kwami phased through Marinette's bag and out into the corridors, Marinette remaining with her ear on the door and listening closely.

Within seconds the kwami was back, her eyes blown and mouth slightly open. "A-Akuma!" her small friend stuttered, almost as though she couldn't believe it.

"An Akuma? But it's been years!" Marinette hissed, not believing it herself.

"I know, but there's people out there splitting in two!"

"Splitting?... In two? What?"

"They're getting zapped and then they're splitting into two people! Something about the perfect spectre. I don't know, but what I do know is you need to get out there and go and help them, Marinette. Ladybug is needed."

She moved her hand slowly to her ear, a thumb brushing over the stud at her lobe. "I can't do this alone. I wish Chat Noir was here."

"You don't have a choice. You're Ladybug! Now get out there! Who knows, your wish might just come true. Maybe Chat Noir's in the area or an avid listener of the news."

"Good try." Marinette sighed, knowing full well her Kitty turning up was nothing more than wishful thinking. "Fine, Tikki. Spots on!"

As the magic wrapped around her body, she suddenly felt her past strength reappearing. It may have been five years since she last had to do this, but the feeling was still the same. Power and total butt-kicking awesomeness.

Opening the closet door, she looked around the foyer. It seemed quiet. Too quiet.

She began a slow, cautious walk down the corridor, checking around her in case she was about to walk into an ambush. On instinct, she unclipped her yo-yo and started swinging it in preparation of an oncoming attack — her body acting on muscle memory and adrenaline.

Continuing down towards the theatre, a black blur came flying out of the doorway with a force of a thousand rhinos, running straight into the concession stand with a loud shatter of glass. Turning to watch where the blur went, her breath hitched in her throat as she took in the body contorted on the floor.

"Kitty?" The name rolled from her tongue in utter disbelief.

Chat Noir was here?

"Hey, Bugaboo," he said through a pained laugh, his body collapsing to the side as he attempted to straighten himself up. "Long time no see."

He'd barely made it onto his feet properly when she ran full throttle at him, jumping up to wrap both her arms and legs around him tightly.

"You're here! Please don't tell me I'm dreaming."

A chair flew out of the theatre and crashed against the wall beside them. Chat Noir dropped her down onto her feet and pulled her out of the way. "As much as I loved the welcome back, we have work to do."

Screams were now freed from the main theatre, every second multiplying as each person inside was hit.

Chat Noir grabbed the staff from around his back and prepared to launch himself into the room.

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