I'm a Regular Monster

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Marinette woke up in darkness. Not just 'night' darkness, though — it was pitch black! As in 'her hand was not at the end of her arm' black.

She let out a frustrated groan as she rolled over and patted the bedside table in search of her phone. It must still be night. There was no way she'd slept for...

11 hours!

She shot up in bed, phone still in hand as she looked around. Well, attempted to! How the hell could it be 10 o'clock already?

"Are you trying to blind me?" Her partner's whine caught her attention, pulling her gaze toward the bed. There sat Chat Noir, still perfectly positioned as a barrier in the centre, but Adrien's side of the bed was conspicuously empty and neatly made.

"It's 10 o'clock!"

Chat Noir pushed himself into a sitting position, rubbing a hand over his face and letting out a yawn. "Well, congratulations! You've mastered telling time."

Not wanting to engage in a one-woman wrestling match on her bed, Marinette awkwardly descended from the impossibly high mattress and attempted to navigate towards the window—emphasis on 'attempted'. She managed to trip over a shoe, clumsily collide with what she hoped was the coffee table (but might have been a sentient ottoman for all she knew), and gracefully entangle herself in the curtains. Miraculously, the curtains stayed put, sparing her from a full-scale drapery disaster.

With a determined grip on the edges, Marinette flung the curtains open, only to find herself face-to-face with a vision straight out of a fairytale: a stunning woman in a red and gold fitted playsuit, with dark, flowing ebony hair—a real-life Snow White. Before the woman could react, Marinette swiftly closed the curtains again, as if she'd accidentally stumbled into an enchanted forest and needed a moment to process it.

 Before the woman could react, Marinette swiftly closed the curtains again, as if she'd accidentally stumbled into an enchanted forest and needed a moment to process it

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Fumbling in the dim light, she located what she hoped was a light switch and flipped it on, illuminating the room in a warm glow.

Though slightly on the harsh side, she was happy with the now glowing lamps in the room. She strode back to her side of the bed and began pacing, her mind racing with thoughts of how she couldn't possibly go out looking like this—especially at 10 o'clock! They'd all think she was lazy...or worse...

Suddenly, there was a small, tentative knock on the door. Marinette didn't need more than one guess to figure out who it was.

"Is it okay to come in?" Adrien's voice sailed through the wood of the door, smooth and far too awake for this time in the morning — he must have been up for hours, so why the hell hadn't he woken her up?

"Yes," she said curtly, not bothered if she sounded slightly on the angry side. She climbed back into bed and covered herself with the duvet.

The door creaked open and Adrien's face poked through, crazy bed hair sitting in a nest of sunshine yellow on his head. "Are you decent?"

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