Get Ready to Rumble

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There were many times Marinette considered something a bad idea.

Exhibit A: Trying to bake a soufflé while distracted by TikTok dance challenges. The result? A collapsed soufflé and a kitchen covered in flour—but at least she nailed the dance!

Exhibit B: Taking Alix's advice and attempting to dye her hair at home. Let's just say the colour turned out nothing like the box promised, leading to an impromptu visit to the hair salon.

Exhibit C: Agreeing to participate in a community theatre production, as a favour to Marc, despite having stage fright. Her rendition of the lead role involved some creative improvisation and a few forgotten lines.

And standing in Chloé Bourgeois' room, dressed in very tight tennis clothing, Marinette was quite certain she had her next story to share during quiz night. Hello, Exhibit D.

She hadn't realised she needed for such attire until Félix casually suggested they hit the courts, and like any good cousin, Adrien had enthusiastically jumped on board. Now, she faced the sudden need for sporty clothing she hadn't planned for.

After all, who thinks about tennis clothes when packing for your platonic plus one's Grammy's countryside mansion?

Ever the problem solver, Adrien suggested borrowing from Chloé. Marinette agreed without fully grasping the implications—until she found herself surrounded by Chloé's meticulously organised closet, her eyes scanning for something suitable amidst the sea of luxury.

 Marinette agreed without fully grasping the implications—until she found herself surrounded by Chloé's meticulously organised closet, her eyes scanning for something suitable amidst the sea of luxury

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As she reluctantly slipped into her old foes snug tennis ensemble, she couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of the situation. Here she was, trading her quirky, mismatched outfits for haute couture sportswear, all in the name of friendship and fitting in.

Adjusting the visor that screamed 'rich aunt on vacation' more than 'tennis pro', Marinette chuckled to herself. She may have 'the look', but once her feet were on the court, she was quite sure she was going to look more Grace Kelly than Serena Williams.

Marinette tugged at the borrowed tennis outfit, feeling self-conscious. "Chloé, um, I think this skirt might be a tad too short for me."

Chloé, always brimming with confidence, arched an eyebrow and examined Marinette critically. "Short? Nonsense! It's meant to accentuate your figure," she declared, her tone dripping with unwavering certainty.

Marinette glanced down at the barely-there white skirt and couldn't help but feel a bit exposed. "I'm just not used to wearing something this...revealing," she admitted, her cheeks colouring slightly.

Chloé chuckled, a smirk playing on her lips. "Darling, you've got nothing to worry about. Embrace the boldness! Besides, if you want to catch Adrien's eye on the court, you need to exude confidence," she advised, her words laced with mischief.

"I, um, Adrien and I are just friends," Marinette stammered, mentally begging for the ground to swallow her up.

"Please," Chloé quipped. "The way you two look at each other, it's like you want to cover each other in chocolate and have a licking contest."

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