A Bothered Conscience Split in Two

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Adrien looked down at his usually silver ring and spun it around his finger, rotating his hand side to side to check for any type of change. The object in question had seemed to change colour overnight. When he woke up this morning the object was black, almost the same as when it was off his finger and Plagg had been renounced.

His kwami hovered over his head as he slipped it off and spun it on the table, only to have the confirmation of no change. He sighed and snatched it back up, putting it back on his finger. There was a weird feeling lingering, almost like déjà vu, like he wasn't quite here, but had been here before. Could he be having withdrawals from the powers in his Miraculous?

Adrien took off his glasses and placed them on the table, rubbing the heels of his hands over his eyes in trepidation. This could not be a good omen.

He held his hand up to the window, allowing the light to absorb itself into the piece of jewellery instead of watching it sparkle and glisten in the light.

"I don't understand." He continued looking at it, his mind considering different options for why the ring was behaving the way it was. Was it to do with the Akuma? Why couldn't Plagg feel anything? If he was activated, shouldn't it be wearing him out? He seemed fine, though. Just as annoying as always.

Plagg made his way down into the drawer, fed up with the conversation and obviously in need of more cheese. He couldn't blame him, he'd been rambling on about this for hours.

"Afternoon. How was your night on the town?" Félix entered the room and collapsed down opposite Adrien in the same chair as yesterday. Oh, how things could change in 24 hours!

"You know very well how the evening went. I'm sure you've seen the stories on X, which FYI are exaggerated! I only went back to the hotel with her because I was staying there too, not for...well, you know. And wipe that smirk off your face."

Félix snorted before leaning his elbows on Adrien's table, his eyebrows wiggling. "So, who is this femme fatale? Kagami thinks she's seen her before but can't place her."

Adrien pushed away from the desk, standing up and heading to the boxes positioned on the side table, his back now to Félix. "She's Mary Humphries' assistant. She was having a bad day yesterday and was staying in the same hotel as me. I saw her in the bar and thought, as I had a spare ticket, she may as well come with me. They always say shows are better with a friend."

"And would this newfound friend happen to be named Marinette?"

Adrien turned from where he was loading in a couple more documents into the boxes and glared at Félix. "How do you –"

Adrien gasped, dropping the folders and moving forwards. "Give it back!" he demanded, holding his hand out for the phone currently sitting in Félix's.

Knowing full well the phone's lock screen could mistake Félix's face for his own, Adrien dived over the table attempting to grab it, Félix swiftly moving in another direction and taking the phone with him.

"Fe!" Adrien warned, both coming to an impasse as they stood either side of a chair.

Félix waved the phone in front of Adrien's face, his own obviously not working this time, and continued to open the message. Adrien edged around the chair.

Félix took a small step back. "I hope you arrived home safely. Thank you once again for accompanying me last night, it was fun. I know this is kind of last minute, but a friend of mine has a movie premiere in France on Saturday night and I've been issued a plus one ticket. Would you like to come with me? I'll supply the M&M's." As Félix read the message, Adrien chased him around the room, resulting in his cousin climbing onto the desk for sanctuary.

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