Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it, baby, stay with me

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Marinette settled in to play. As always, her bluffing was terrible. However, thanks to Chat Noir being her second pair of eyes and letting her know what the others were holding in their hand, she was doing alright...okay, she was doing excellent.

"Marinette wins again," Kim sighed, throwing his cards down on the table with annoyance.

He leaned forward and pushed all the chips towards her, the guys around the table all groaning as they swigged hearty gulps from their beer bottles. Nino was the first one out, swiftly followed by Max, but here she was...rolling in it. Chat Noir dropped her a salute as he made his way around the table for the next draw, peering over shoulders as each person began to lift their cards.

As she placed her recently won red and black chips into their piles, she gave Adrien a smirk. He moved the beer bottle from his lips and smiled back.

"What?" He chuckled, taking another hearty swig.

"You said you've never played before, and from that pile in front of you, I have to question that."

"He's a liar, M'Lady, go for the win!" Chat Noir had positioned himself in the middle of the table, lying on his stomach and facing Adrien. His feet kicked behind him like a showgirl from the Moulin Rouge, his tail curling around and flicking suggestively.

 His feet kicked behind him like a showgirl from the Moulin Rouge, his tail curling around and flicking suggestively

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"Technically, I haven't," Adrien said, grabbing the cards and shuffling them in one hand. If there was ever an enigma, it was Adrien Agreste. Just when she thought she'd uncovered everything about him, he pulled out another trick – literally. He began to thread the cards through each other with one hand as he finished off his beer with the other.

"What do you mean, technically?" Nino grabbed another beer and exchanged Adrien's empty bottle for a full one, before grabbing one for himself. The two had hit it off amazingly. Nino had mentioned a billion times he had a new BFF... but not to tell Alya.

"I've only ever played online."

A chorus of ohs circulated around the deck, everyone accepting this as the most normal thing they'd ever heard.

Adrien leaned forward on the table, looking directly at Marinette with a smug expression, only making him look all the more attractive. Damn him! "And what about you, Miss 'I can't play'? You're not doing too badly yourself."

A second circulation of ohs went around the deck, Marinette lifting an eyebrow. "Have you not heard of bluffing?"

"No offence, Marinette, but you've never been able to bluff before," Kim declared.

Marinette shrugged. "It's my guardian angel."

Chat Noir burst out laughing and climbed from the table to come stand beside her. "Me and you against the world, M'Lady."

If there was ever a time for a fist bump, now would have been it.

If there was ever a time for a fist bump, now would have been it

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