All you need is your own imagination

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"Marinette, you need to go and get Mary's coffee," Lillie said. "And while you're out, can you grab a muffin too? Blueberry, not chocolate. I'm on a diet again."

"I'm on a diet again," Chat Noir mimicked. There were no spot prizes for guessing how he felt about Mary's favoured assistant... Sorry, first assistant.

Whatever was wrong with her a mere week ago, seemed to have quickly passed, as she was back at work the day after they'd returned from London, and in a foul mood too. The way the woman had looked down on her, Marinette couldn't help but wonder if she suddenly had some sort of vendetta out. But what was more, was that the feeling was eerily familiar, almost like déjà vu. Yet at no point in Marinette's life had she come across someone who looked like they wanted to throw her to the lions and hope to watch her being ripped apart limb by limb.

"She does realise it's not what's added into the muffin that's the issue, right?" Chat Noir said. "Ask her to go and get it. Or is she worried she'll break a nail? She's done nothing all day apart from posting random pictures on Instagram and reblogging crap on Tumblr."

He had been making his way around the back of Lillie's desk and spying on what she'd been doing sporadically for most of the day, giving Marinette a full rundown of what her superior was actually doing – and by the sounds of it, she was a main pla...

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He had been making his way around the back of Lillie's desk and spying on what she'd been doing sporadically for most of the day, giving Marinette a full rundown of what her superior was actually doing – and by the sounds of it, she was a main player in the 'Choices' fandom.

But as he continued his backwards and forwards, Marinette was barely keeping it together – her eyes twitching with anxiety. She wanted to shout at him to come back to her side and stop being so nosy. The fear constantly there that suddenly he could be seen again...and how would she explain that?

"Oh, I - um - have a lot of files to get through," Marinette said. "Would you be able to go out and get this one?"

She wasn't lying. On her desk was a mountain of paperwork regarding the collaboration with Gabriel, and to be honest she believed Lillie had come in early this morning to move a selection from her own pile onto this one which was slowly turning into the Tower of Pisa. What made it even more obvious was the fact Lillie had completed all her 'assigned jobs' an hour ago and was currently lazing back in her chair with her legs up on desk and ankles crossed. She even had the audacity to be filing her nails. Bitch!

"Come on, M'Lady, where's that Ladybug righteousness? This girl is lazy, and she treats you like her slave. Tell her no!"

Lillie stopped her filing and pointed the emery board at Marinette. "Excuse me! I don't think it's part of my job definition to 'go and get coffee'. First assistant, remember!"

Chat Noir fisted his hand in front of him before opening it once again, his eyes burning into his fingers. "She's a total bitch! Can I cataclysm her Louboutins?"

Marinette snorted.

Lillie threw her legs down from the desk and placed her elbows on top, leaning forward and glaring at Marinette. "Oh, am I funny? Do I make you laugh?"

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