Tell us, should we run away (Should we try and stay)

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There was always something about dusk that Adrien loved. Be it the orchestrated sounds of the birds playing the encore of the day, or the busy ambiance it created as tourists scuttled down the streets in search of French cuisine and entertainment. Or maybe it was the feeling of anonymity the evening gave to him. A darkness almost like a blanket covering his head and making his face just another in a low-lit sea of people.

...Or maybe it was because that's when he'd had the best times with his partner.

As he weaved his way through the continuous waves of people, he couldn't help the sharp turn of his head every time something red caught his eye. He and Ladybug were still adored by the people of Paris, and although the villains had stopped their attacks on the City of Love, the heroes were still worshipped and idolised. Many tourists still made the journey in hope they might see them, and small children ran around suited and booted ready to fight crime.

He looked down at his finger again, the dull black of his once shiny ring darkening his spirit. He wanted to see his partner - to once again run and dart over the rooftops of Paris, laughing, joking, racing...loving. That was their playground. Their reprieve and break from the super activities they had to partake in on an almost daily basis.

Oh, how things had changed.

A glance at the sky had him marvelling at the stars. They were carefree and prominent, in control of their future and fate – whereas once again he was constrained by his father. He had fought long and hard for financial, physical and emotional freedom, yet, once again, his old man was staking his claim.

Once an Agreste, always an Agreste.

Quickly moving to the side, Adrien wandered in the direction of his father's house, and the bakery he always visited during his fencing training – when he could sneak away, that was. He loved the place. Not only were the delicacies to die for, but the owners had welcomed him into the warmth of their bakery with extra treats and warm hugs. He'd started to go there as much for their company as for the croissants. It had been years since he'd visited the boulangerie and, apart from Ladybug, it was the only other thing in Paris he missed.

He considered his options. He could continue to his old house, grab the suitcase his father had packed for him and then go back home, eat way too many M&Ms and have a Brothers vs Brothers Marathon...or he could go via the boulangerie, before continuing to get his suitcase, followed by an evening at home watching Brothers vs Brother but it with the delectable treats from Tom and Sabine's. Yeah, there was no competition there.

Suddenly gaining a spring in his step, he bounced his way like Tigger through the park, feeling like Charlie about to enter the Chocolate Factory. So many delicious smells graced his presence as he grew closer and closer. He deserved this so much. A little reward for being back in Paris and not hating the place already.

Finally reaching the door, Adrien pushed it open, the smells hitting him like a soft, comfortable pillow to his face. Oh, man! This was what Paris was all about.

He started to look around the counters, only a few items left from what he guessed was a very busy day. He wasn't surprised. This was by far the best boulangerie and patisserie in the area – if not Paris.

His eyes fell on a lone passionfruit macaron sitting amongst a mixture of pink and green ones, his eyes drawn to it and his mouth reminding him exactly how much he wanted this. God, he had certainly made the right choice.

"Can I help you?"

The voice was instantly recognisable. Warmth wrapped around every syllable and a soft, gentle power was hidden behind each word. Adrien lifted his eyes and smiled warmly at the gentle giant in front of him.

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