Fervid as a flame. Does it have a name?

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What Adrien loved about living in London was the freedom to walk around and be in the constant buzzing crowds. What he didn't like about living in central London was getting caught up in the rat race.

He waited for the train doors to open before following the cattle crowd out of the tube and up the staircase. Even though he'd timed his train back into London after the morning commuters would be at work, the ever-growing tourism made sure the platforms were busy and the streets were packed in central London.

He'd taken the tube to Leicester Square, opting to walk the remaining distance to the Gabriel office rather than battle the queues for the lifts at Covent Garden. Whoever thought 193 steps at a tube station was a good idea needed their head checking. But still he loved early morning in the bustling marketplace, taking the opportunity to absorb himself in the architecture and stillness. It wouldn't be long until the area was full with buzzing tourists and many street performers.

He moved forward, crossing the road and heading in his desired location on The Strand. His eyes wandered from left to right, memories of being here with Marinette flooding his thoughts. One night spent with a random girl he'd felt sorry for, and battling an Akuma, was probably his most favourite memory from his whole time here. A memory which could have been captured from a simple weekend getaway.

He'd been back in Paris for two weeks and it had already started to feel like home again. Even with his boxes still packed, and the fact he was barely going anywhere beside his home and the office, Paris had once again stolen his heart, his newfound company quite the help.

However, there was still something bothering him. He looked down at the dull black band wrapped around his finger. What the hell had happened? And how was he going to sort this out? He hadn't been able to get in touch with Ladybug, and Plagg had been as helpful as a hairdryer clearing snow. After finding out he was invisible to Tikki and Ladybug, and everyone else, he'd decided to just see how it played out...easier said than done when you were the defending player for the single most important weapon for battling evil.

He checked the time on his phone, happy with his progress. He had a quick meeting with his father before heading to Félix and Kagami's for a suit fitting and to stay over. It was only a couple of days until their weekend at the villa and Adrien couldn't wait. Not only would the break be good, but he would get to spend more time with Marinette and show her off to his family. Finally he would prove he could find a nice wholesome woman with a brain and a cracking personality.

Adrien crossed the road, pushed open the revolving glass door, and stepped into the foyer, making a beeline for the reception desk. "Hello, I'm here to see Gabriel Agreste."

He glanced around the foyer, feeling a twinge of embarrassment as he caught sight of the smouldering pictures of himself. When had he ever thought those expressions were appealing? And those "come to bed eyes" – who was he kidding? If anyone actually looked at him like that, he was more likely to want them out of bed than to invite them in.

"May I ask your name please?"

Adrien turned back to look at the receptionist. His name? She wanted his name?

"Excuse me?" He didn't know what else to say. His face was everywhere in this room, and although he was probably 3 years older than he was during the last shoot he did for the company, he was almost 100% sure he didn't look that much different.

"Your name...please."

Frowning, Adrien couldn't help but feel perplexed. He was the owner's son and had visited just three weeks ago; his face was even plastered all over the walls. He took off his glasses and leaned casually on the counter, attempting to channel his inner model and muster his best smoulder.

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