Lilly black she can be described as many things,cold,heartless,deadly and the list could go on.
But what people don't think about is when you get treated one way and you've had to fight most of your life it doesn't just go away.
People think she's j...
Lilly's pov ------------------------------------------------------------------ After yesterday I really don't want to go to school especially not today but a job is a job right?
There's no way I'm gonna be able to get out of today even tho I just really want to stay home all day.
Today is November six and it just really reminds me of someone,someone really special.
Today is there birthday and it makes me realize just how much I've missed them.
Pushing all my emotions to the back of my head I get up and start my morning routine which consists of getting in the shower,brushing my teeth,washing my face and more.
After I had finished I started looking through my closet for something to wear and soon found out a pair of black jeans and a white long sleeved top that showed my stomach a little more than I would have liked but I don't have time to change now.
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As I look in the mirror I carnt help but notice the necklace around my neck.
It's an infinity symbol with a little crescent moon on the side,I wear it everyday but I guess with me thinking about her I noticed it more.
She gave it to me years ago and I haven't taken it of since,I wish she was here today so we could celebrate her birthday together.
Snapping out of my thoughts again I head downstairs after finishing getting ready and grab an apple befor heading out.
I got into my car and started driving straight to there mansion,on the way there I couldn't help but get distracted by my thinking again but I carnt help it.
I have mixed emotions about today,I'm happy because it reminds me of all the good memories I have with her but also sad because I miss her and I don't even know if I'm going to see her again.
Befor I know it I'm pulling up to the mantion ,I hope out and walk up to the door befor knocking, a guard opens the door for me.
I nod at him and then pass through the door to where a maid lead me to the dinning room.
Once again everyone was present at the table eating breakfast and all there heads turned towards me when I walked in.
I gave them all a respectful nod befor turning to aria to see if she was ready.
She quickly rushed up and ran around the table giving everyone a hug before running over to me and befor I can even think I'm being dragged out of the house by the hand and towards my car.
We both got in and I was just trying to get my head around what just happened,that was definitely interesting.
I turn to look at aria again and she has a massive smile on her face.
"Sorry I'm very hipper this morning"she apologize and I couldn't help the slight laugh that came out of my mouth at her antics.
I buckled up and befor starting to drive I checked aria had her seatbelt on aswell but what I also noticed was she was actually wearing her necklace.
It's the exact same as mine and I honestly didn't know if she still kept it or not ,I gave her that for our ninth birthday.
Obviously I didn't make it because I was given mine but when she gave me mine she gave me on for aria too.
Actually she is the whole reason aria was actually able to get the gift,she snuck out even tho she got in trouble,if it wasn't for her she never would have received it.
Befor I got lost in thought again I focused on driving to school.
The day has gone by in a complete blure,I constantly kept zoning out and not focusing ,I just dropped aria back home and to be honest I couldnt even tell you what happened today because I wasn't paying attention at all.
All day I just kept thinking about what day today is,from the second I woke up this morning she's all I've thought about.
I'm now on my way to the store to pick up a couple things,even tho I carnt celebrate with her it still deserves to be celebrated and I know she carnt.
I picked up a cake and candles along with a bunch of flowers ,pink roses, her favorite.
I desided to drive to a field about ten minutes away because she loves the stars and hopefully she's looking at them so it's like we are celebrating together.
I got the cake out of the box and put the candles on it befor lighting them.
I quietly sing while watching the candles."happy 8th birthday Luna "I said befor blowing out the candles with a small smile.
I silently made a wish when I blew them out and I hope it comes true.
After spending an hour or so more there I decide to head home since it was getting really cold and late.
While I was at the field I just kept remembering all the memories we have together.
Like the time we first met when she was two and how the last time we saw each other was and how much I really just wish she was here and not with the people I know she's with.
The only reason I'm free is because she helped me and in doing that she put herself there instead of me.
She really is the best, sweet,kind,loving,sassy,a badass and very unique,she has the most beautiful black hair and very rare purple eyes.
She has a very funny attitude and if your ever in an argument with her you may aswell stop at the begining because you have already lost it.
You know I bet she would be a very good lawyer,she's the greatest and she's like a little sister even know we don't share blood,I haven't seen her in three years.
Please make my wish come true,please stop a little girl from suffering,please just let me see her again. ---------------- Word count (1037) Like Comment Share