chapter 17

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Leo's pov
A week
She hasn't ate anything in a week,no wonder she doesn't way anything.

When I find them I'm going to kill them for doing this to a child.

"Come on sweety you need to eat something that's not healthy"I said trying to get her to eat something.

After just being stiched up she shouldn't be up but if she doesn't eat then it'll take her longer to heal.

"I carnt"she replied with a drously look.

"Why not tell us"I said giving a glance at my family

"I'm not hungry it's only been a week"she said looking at me studying my face.

A week is a week too long.

"You look like someone"she said to me.

"Who do I look like?"I questioned with a small smile.

She looked in thought for a second befor replying.

"Lilly's dad you look like him"

How does she know what Joseph looks like.

"Have you met him before?"devontay asked

"A couple times but he's never seen me"she said

"When did you see him?"mom asked

"A while ago,hm...last was about a year I think,I was checking see if lilly came home but she didn't"she sighed

"How did you see him if you where kidnapped?"Theo asked

"I snuck out I wanted to see if lilly came home like she said she would"

"And I wasn't kidnapped"she said confusing us all.

"You stayed there because you wanted to"dad voiced sounding angry she was our enemy's daughter after all.

"No but it's not kidnapping if it's your own parents is it"she said looking sad

"And what did you do while you where there?"seb asked

"Try to survive I guess"

"Why did you always go back when you managed to get out?"I asked

"Because id die if I didn't"

"No you would you could die if you go back"I said

"So"she shrugged her shoulders and I felt my heart crack what little girl doesn't care if she dies

"But you carnt die you have so much to live for"Theo said he always loved kids even tho he's only sixteen

"I don't I've done everything thing I need to"she said with a smile.

"Like what"Lisa asked

"Well I saved all the other kids they got home,Lilly's finally home and Lucas ok now that's everything"she said

"But what about you isn't there anything you want to do?"Sarah asked

"Um....not really it would be safer if I just die anyway"she said

"Why's that?"I asked sitting down with her.

"Because I'm not normal they made sure I wasnt"

"Nobodys normal"devontay said

"Not like me"

"Could you show us what you mean?"I asked to witch she nodded befor looking like she was thinking about something.

She got up of the couch going back into the hallway where the guards where.

She crouched down to a guard called Simon befor checking his pulse.

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