Lunas pov
Beep...beep...beepAll I could hear was that annoying beeping waking me up from a restless sleep.
I don't even think you could call it sleep I'm pretty sure I passed out after I couldn't handle the pain anymore.
I slowly open my eyes trying to adjust to the bright lights befor looking around I was still in the hospital bed now with a bandage around my stomach and my shoulder in a sling.
All I could feel was pain but that's what I'm used to I think I'd be worried if I didn't wake up and feel pain immediately.
Some people say after years of pain they don't feel it as much anymore that there used to it but that's not how it is with me.
I'm used to feeling pain but I still feel it all I can't just shut down and not feel it anymore even the smallest cuts still sting but I've learnt to not scream or make any noise in my experience it just causes more pain.
I looked around the room nothing special just a bed and medical supplies and the heart monitor that's causing the beeping nobody's here except for the boy sleeping next to me in the bed.
I don't know why he would want to sit with me but I've also learnt that saying no comes with consequences,he's still sleeping so I slowly get off the bed making sure not to wake him.
I turn the monitor off befor taking the wires off me and slowly making my way to the door.
With each step all I can feel is white hot pain shooting from every inch of my body.
I suddenly remembered I still have the tape over my arms and ribs it's not comfortable but I couldn't let them see.
If the did they wouldn't believe where they came from they would just assume.
But befor I left I slowly took the tape off my arms revealing lots of cuts some small some big,some deep some not and then I took the tape off my ribs revealing the tattoos I hate so much.
They put one there every year it's the same date and every single one has a star next to it except the one from this year.
Everyone who didn't know what it meant would think a star was good but to me I couldn't hate it more.
But this year I didn't get a star and that brought a small smile to my face it means I survived,for the first time in my life I survived that day.
Washing away my thought I looked around for my shirt finding it on the floor where I threw it.
I slowly put it on trying to breath through the dizzing pain that came from my body but trying to put a shirt on one handed isn't the easiest.
Eventually I got it on leaving my other arm inside the shirt not wanting to cause myself anymore harm making it hang loosely on my small body befor not so gracefully limping to the door.
I kept my hand on my stomach trying to ease some of the pain there as I walked.
After what felt like forever I had made it up the steps of the basement and to what I hope is the front door.
If I left without anyone seeing I wouldn't have to try explain thing I just couldn't say.
But unfortunately luck is never on my side and today is not the day it starts because the closer I get down the hallway the more voices I hear.
Hopefully I can just sneak past everyone and back to the people who make my life he'll but no my foot just has to slip the second I'm close to the door causing me to fall on the floor with a thud making me supres my scream from the pain that came with it.
Everyone's eyes shot to me befor lilly came running over to help me up leading me to one of the many couches in there living room
"And where do you think your going?"lilly asked once she sat down next to me.
I don't answer because she already knows the answer to that.
"Probably going to spill all of our secrets so her daddy will love her" xavier taunts while giving me a glare.
"Belive me or not but I'm trying to help you all there is nothing I would ever do that could make that man hate me even a little less" I said looking at him
Because that man is not my father and I would never do anything like that to them ever no matter if they hate me or if there trying to kill me.
"Then why are you back here?" Tobias asked
"I came to tell you they where leaving and I also came to say that if you want my help then I could hack into there cameras to see if you could get any information befor they leave so you could end them like you want" I explained turning to look at Joseph
"And why would you help us when you will gain nothing from it" Joseph asks
"Because simply I have nothing to lose" I said with a straight face.
And it's true I didn't I live everyday just surving,I'm willing to loose my life for this family because at the end of the day they have each other and I have nothing nobody to miss me and nobody to care when I'm gone.
"But I'll only do the cameras on one condition" I said
"What that" Joseph asked
"You don't look on the ones for my cell it's for your own good" I said
"Okay" he nodded befor handing me a laptop letting me get to work.
"You're still not going back there"lilly said
"Yes I am it's not like it was befor it's worse now if I'm not there they come after you and you won't make it out alive this time" I said giving her a pointed look befor continuing typing
"You might not either and I'm not letting you go back to your death because you and I both know if you go back now you are never coming back out alive" She said
"That might be true but look around you,you finally have your family back,you have a life and a great one at that so live it don't wast it trying to save me from something that's going to happen anyway"i said befor passing the laptop back to Joseph when I had finished.
"That's all the cameras in the building so your bound to hear something that could help and if not then I'm sorry I cant do more but I have to get back befor they realise where I went" I said standing up
"I will come back one day and it might not be for weeks or months or even years but one day I will come back I promise" I said turning to lilly befor holding out my pinky.
"You better" She chuckled befor rapping her pinky around mine befor I made my way to the door.
"Thank you for the help but I still don't trust you and If I find that you've fucked my family over then I will be the one to slit your throat" xavier threatened
"I'll give you the knife" I smiled befor walking out the front door not thing if I'll be able to keep my promise to lilly or not.
Word count (1278)

secret sister
ActionLilly black she can be described as many things,cold,heartless,deadly and the list could go on. But what people don't think about is when you get treated one way and you've had to fight most of your life it doesn't just go away. People think she's j...