chapter 12

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Lilly's pov
We spent about half an hour just sat working out the note untill it was finally all turned to letters ready to read but I don't know if I'm ready to hear what it says.

She wouldn't have risked trying to sneak the note into the guards pocket if it wasn't Important and I know it's going to be bad news it always is with the french.

But it's got to be read at some point no point in delaying it so I start.

"French leaders are planing an attack soon be ready I don't know when you will find this note and if you even bothered trying to work it out but I hope you did they plan to attack on the fifteenth you need to leave befor they attack there much bigger than they were before you won't survive ,make it look like your still home leave your guards, there watching so when you leave tell only your most trusted guards the plan and the others your going to dinner and they have the night off so they think you came back be careful ,love 753"

That was one hell of a message,everyone's just trying to take in the information given.

"Wait the fifteenths tomorrow"Xavier intrups the silence.

"It doesn't matter where not leaving our own home"dad stated firmly making me snap my head to him

"You have to"I stated

"Why?"mom questioned

"Because if they attack and your here it'll be a blood bath do you know how long they have been planning to kill you"I said shocked he wasnt listening.

"We will be prepared for them"Tobias interjected

"No we have to go dad and you know it don't make her message go to waist"Luca backed me up.

"I don't even know the girl"he said

"Yet she's still trying to save our family dad I think we should just listen"aria backed me up aswell witch I was greatfull for.

"She was probably just trying to help lilly she doesn't know any of us why would she try to help"Xavier spoke up.

"She doesn't even know I came back probably wasn't expecting me too either I told her time and time again that I hasn't coming back because you wouldn't want me "I said

"Well she probably heard from one of the spy's we clearly have she wouldn't want to help strangers like us ,why would she care if we died"Tobias again ,they really need to stop being so stubborn.

"I'm not sitting here while you talk about her like that she's trying to help you guys and you know if that guard found the note befor you guys she would have been killed for it"I said while standing up.

"She asked for you to stay away from the house for one day why is that so hard"I stated befor storming out and heading back to the kitchen to get away from them.

A couple minutes later the whole family walks in but I just sit there ignoring them,they don't understand the risk she went through trying to help them when she doesn't even know them.

"I've decided we will go"dad said shocking me.

"What changed your mind?"I question turning to look at him as he sits at the head of the table.

"We thought if she tried so hard to the message to us it would be a waist to just ignore it "mom said giving me a smile and I could tell she changed dad's mind.

"Well thank you for listening"I said greatfull it wasn't for nothing.

"I've got a friend who lives about two hours away were gonna go stay with him and his family for tonight untill we come back tomorrow night and since we carnt take bags to the car were going to stop by the store on the way to get anything we need"dad explained to everyone.

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