chapter 20

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Joseph's pov
It's been weeks since the little girl left and the attack on our house and there's been nothing.

Complete silence from them and you would think I would be happy but silence is not there thing.

They cause havoc and destruction,not ever and that's what's winding me up more,silence means there planning something,something big.

But we will be prepared this time I won't count on a little girl who shouldn't even be in this type of word,to save us this time.

I'm the ex boss of the Italian Mafia I shouldn't have even needed help in the first place so this time I'm making sure where ready.

She said she would help us but I don't want her help I feel sorry for the girl but I don't trust her,I don't trust anyone that's not in our family or close circle.

I'm currently sat in my office at home with Tobias and Luca descusing what to do to prepare and end them once and for all.

It would be easy if they stayed in one place long enough for us to find them but they have been of the grid for years ever since the twins got taken.

We don't know how powerful they have gotten over the years but they can't beat us we will stop them and we will get our revenge for them splitting up our family.

Because of them I've missed fourteen years of lillys life and we can never get that back but we can have the future,they will pay for what they have done.

We still have yet to find all of the moles but the one we did find is being taken care of in our cells.

We only have our most trusted guards on juty at the house to keep me and my family safe,I've also gotten our hackers trying to find there location if they attacked they have to be in the country.

After a couple hours we call it a day since everyone is already home from school by now and dinner will be ready soon,so we all leave and head downstairs to see some of the kids in the living room watching a movie lilly included.

Over the past few weeks she's seemed to start warming up to the family more and started being more herself than the emotionless guard she was when she first came here.

And right on time my wife calls that dinner is ready making everyone start walking to the dinning room.

"So dad any luck yet?"Xavier askes taking a seat at the table as one of the maides bring out dinner.

"Not yet but where working on it"I replied

"Luna will help you just have to give her time"lilly speaks up looking at me.

"Yeah right"Xavier speaks looking at lilly.

"What's that supposed to mean?"lilly asked

"If she's really gonna help us which I don't think she will then where the hell is she it's been weeks and let me remind you she went back willingly"he responds while everyone at the table stays quite.

Let's just say the two haven't really been getting along since lilly moved back in.

"You wouldn't understand"lilly mumbles

"Then explain it I agree with Xavier" Tobias said

"I can't,I don't even understand her or what she does she could have been free years ago but I know she will come back and she will help us,soon I hope"lilly replied looking down and everyone fell silent only hearing Xavier scoff before we returned to dinner eating in silence.

Right befor everyone left I spoke up," I called Marcel yesterday and he and his family will be coming tomorrow they may have some information we don't know" I say speaking about one of my best friends.

Me,Marcos and Marcel have been friends since we where boys,we when through everything together,training and the mafia life.

They are my brothers,not by blood but by trust and respect and if you ask me that can sometimes be stronger than any blood bond.

"Yeah tom said this morning"Tobias spoke up referring to marcels oldest son that's sort of a best friend to Tobias they grew up together much like me and Marcel did.

"They should be here by the time you guys Finnish school"I said befor dismissing everyone.

I walked back to my office trying to think of why the mafia wants my daughter so badly.

Yes we may be the most feared and strongest but they have been trying to get to the girls for years,they where only silent when they had them but they started back up again a couple years ago.

Probably when lilly escaped,sometimes I think what it would be like if we had a normal life no mafia,but then I wouldn't have everything I had now.

I met my wife through the mafia,so I wouldn't have her or any of our kids,I also wouldn't have my best friends ,I wouldn't have anything,the life I have now is because of the mafia and for that I'm grateful.

I will protect my family from them and I won't fail this time they will be destroyed.

Word count (891)

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