chapter 25

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Lillys pov
Watching luna walk away was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to watch because even tho she promised me I know it's something she can't garentee.

Having to think that this was the last time I'll ever see her it breaks a part of me.

The part where I know that without that little girl I wouldn't have the family I've always wished for back.

The part where I know she is the strongest and most loyal person I've ever met in my life and she may never be able to show that to others.

The part where I know she's saved me in more ways than she even know and she still continues to do that.

And finally the part of me that hates that she never puts herself first I just wish she would one time so she could be here,so I could watch her grow up and actually live.

I hate that my family still doesn't trust her when all she's done is help us even at the risk of her life because when your with people like the Russians your life has no garentee.

You never know if your going to survive it or die from it but if anyone could I know it's luna.

After she left ten minutes non of us have moved I guess where all just thinking I know I am.

I'm re-playing everything she's ever said to me in my head but one think sticks out amongst the rest a thing she said to me so many times .

'Sometimes it takes one person's sacrifice to stop a thousand having to make more but then its not truly a sacrifice is it'

I never truly understood what it meant but now I think I have a rough idea.

Some people give up everything so others don't have to but then they don't think of it as a sacrifice they just love people enough to care that much that there willing to live a life of misery and give everything to other people.

I think that is the best thing she ever said it says so much about her in so little words it truly tells you what type of a person she is.

I'm going to make her sacrifice count and I'm going to kill all there mafia so she can finally come home

I made a silent promise to myself

I will see you again one day I just know it be safe, untill then ill miss you my luna

I truly forgot what the name of the enemy's mafia was so if you remember please let me know

Word count (449)

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