chapter ten

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Lucas pov
This morning I'm tired I could barely sleep last night just thinking trying to remember where I recognize lilly from.

I've met her before the other day I know I have,I just don't remember where from and she clearly doesn't want to tell me but I know she knows where we've met her running out yesterday proved it.

I tiredly get out of my bed and make my way downstairs to make coffee, after getting ready for the day in a black suit, where I'm greeted my my dad and tobias while mom is making breakfast.

I walk over and give mom a hug befor saying good morning to everyone and starting to boil the coffee.

"Did you not sleep good?"dad asks with a hint of concern in his tone.

"I was just thinking about some stuff"I replied getting a mug and poring my coffee befor taking a much needed sip.

"What about?"Tobias questioned this time while looking up from his phone to me.

"It's nothing"I try shrugging it off but by the looks of everyone they don't believe a word I'm saying and to be honest I probably wouldn't ever after all you don't stay up all night thinking about nothing.

"Fine it's just I recognize lilly from somewhere and I just carnt thing of where it was"I give in taking another sip of my coffee as it slowly start to make me up a bit more.

"We've already talked about this we don't know if she's our lilly"dad responds sounding sad.

"No I that's not what I meant I recognize her from somewhere she was a little younger tho"I said deep in though

Where could I have seen her befor...

"How young?"mom asks while playing up the food and putting it on the table befor taking a seat.

"I'm not sure around ten maybe"I mutter while shaking my head trying to forget about it just as silas,Xavier,Xander and aria walk in all dressed for school and Silas dressed for collage.

They all greet us befor sitting down to get some breakfast.

A little while later there is a knock on the dinning room door befor a guard walks in ,Harry,holding a folder piece of paper in his hand.

He stops at the door while dad and tobias look at him to speak after greeting with nods he begins.

"Sir I found this on the drive way a couple minutes ago I'm pretty sure I saw it fall out of the new guys pocket but I think you should look it seems pretty interesting"he explained while walking to hand the not to Tobias.

Tobias unfolds the dirty looking note and then looks back to harry with a confused look,"it's just a load of numbers"

"I think it means something,I have an of feeling about him"harry replies befor Tobias dismissed him back to work.

Now that's weird that's two people who don't trust him and he's only worked her for a day.

"What's that face do you know something?"Silas asked walking behind Tobias to take a look at the note.

"No"I shake my head "it's just lilly said yesterday that she felt something was up with him too"

"But what could a load of n-"dad gets cut of as there is another nock on the door befor harry walks in again but this time with lilly with him.

I didn't realize it was that late already,she gives us all a nod in greating befor harry leaves and she just stands there.

"Lilly a word"dad says motioning for her to sit down on one of the chairs at the table.

She walks over and takes a seat while she has a blank look on her face,just like I've always seen her expect yesterday when I asked her about where I met her.

"The guard outside I heard you think there's something wrong with him?"Tobias asked staring at her while I take the paper from his hand to try and make some sense of the letter.

"He just seems a little secretive that's all"she responds.

"What can you say about that,nobody knows anything about you"Xavier says in a snarky tone.

As I look over the paper my eyes catch something at the very end four words and then three letters.


It carnt be,it's not from her I'm just overthinking and hoping for something that's not real.

"What's wrong?"Xander asks looking at my face that I'm sure has hope but also confusion.

"Nothing" I mumble

"What's that?"lilly asks looking at the paper in my hands.

"That was found on the floor it belongs to the new guard but were not sure what it is yet"dad responds drinking his coffee.

"Mind if I look?"she asks looking at me,I shake my head while passing it over to her.

She looks intently at the note while trying to make sense of it but right as she finishes she looks at me befor looking back at the note.

She knows something.

"753"I say looking at her and immediately she looks up at me befor trying to look away.

Then it all starts coming back,I know where I know her from.

I was taken and kidnapped four years ago and in that time I met two girls one four and one eleven the older one was her.

I carnt believe I've only just realized,that mainly because I try to forget about that time,it has some horrible memory's.

"I knew I've met you befor and now I remember where you where the girl in the other cell the one next to mine"I state looking her straight in the eye.

She shakes her head "I don't know what your talking about,I've never met you befor "

"Who's the note from then?"I challenge

"I have to get aria to school if you'll excuse me"she hurriedly gets up.

"Schools canceled untill we can figure out if it's safe"dad announced looking between lilly and me intensely.

"I know it's you you've got the same attitude,you look almost the same and there's only three people who know the meaning of those numbers and your clearly one of them"I state while she slowly sits back down.

"Wanna fill us in where confused"mom asks looking between us.

"I don't know what you think b-"lilly starts again but I cut her off.

"Stop trying to lie ,I've already connected all the dots that youve kept pretty well hiden actually"

She just looks at me with the slites shredd of fear in her eyes that I know who she is but it's to late I remember everything now all the small detail I didn't want to get my hopes up on.

Like the same names
The same eyes
The same kidnapper
The age
It all ads up my sister lilly was kidnapped by the french when she was one along with aria but she came back after a couple years.

We never saw lilly again,four years ago I was kidnapped by the french and that's where I met her that should have given it away but now I know for defiant.

If she was more carfully I wouldn't know for defiant but today she let her necklace slip out,the same one aria has ,she got it as a gift a couple years ago with a note from her twin saying she will see her again one day.

I guess she finally decided to see her again.

"I should have figured it out sooner"I say looking at her as she moves her eyes form me to look around the room.

She's the same lilly we have been looking for for years,our sister.

Lilly Romano

"Welcome home sister"
I hope you liked it,tell me what you think xxx

Word count (1339)

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