Storm (Lams-Fluff?)

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pov. John Laurens

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I listened to the rain hit the roof. It was comforting and reminded me of home in South Carolina, A huge gust a wind blew followed by a clap of thunder making the dorm shake. the wind howled loudly and the rain began to hit the roof harder. It almost seemed like the rain was crying? I paused and listened to the sound, it was coming from my roommate, Alexander's room. I loved Alexander, his form, his pale skin, his dark brown hair, his warm brown eyes...but he only saw me as his best friend. I got up from bed and began to walk to his bed. He had grown up in the Caribbean so wouldn't the rain be a reminder of home for him too. Then again he never spoke about his childhood, family, home, or anything before he had made it to New York. I made it to his door and before I could knock there was a loud thunderous boom followed by the power going out. I sighed about to go back to my room to get a flashlight when I heard a loud sob from the other side of the door. I slowly opened it. I looked over at Alexander's bed as a flash of lightning illuminated the room. He was curled up, tears streamed down his face as he shook terribly.

" hey Lex" I said in the most comforting tone possible, as I sat on the bed. He didn't move instead I heard him quietly mumbling something.

"I'm going to die, people are dying, I'm drowning, Everyone's Drowning, It's a hurricane, we're all going to die" then he repeated himself as he shook. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder and he immediately grabbed my arm. Digging his nails into me as he kept telling himself to "not let go".

"Alex" I tried. He still didn't stop shaking. I thunderous boom sounded and the dorm shook. Alexander flinched violently before he threw him self into my lap, wrapping both arms around my waist. He burrowed his head into my chest as he panted heavily and shook. He was hyperventilating to the point of almost passing out.

"ALEXANDER" I yelled. he flinched again and locked eyes with mine.

"John" he whispered almost inaudible as he clung to me.

"yes Lex it's me John" I said slowly. he nodded slowly.

"nobody is dying, you're not drowning, your here with who?" I asked trying to calm him down.

"J-John" He stammered.

"yes Lex, and here with John you are?"

"s-s-af-f-e" He stuttered shaking.

"good, you'll be safe with me okay" I said.

"A-ale-ex-love-es-J-John" he cried hugging me tighter. I paused thinking of what he had said.

"Alex loves John?" I asked. He nodded furiously, tears still streaming down his face. I softened my grip on him and he let out a loud gasp.

"p-pl-lea-ase d-d-on't g-g-o--o" he sobbed loudly. I tightened my grip on him and he calmed down slightly.

"I-I l-love y-you" He choked out through his cries. I softly kissed his tear cover cheek and he stopped crying a little.

"John won't leave Alex" I said running my fingers through his hair.

"John Loves Alex" I sweetly murmured to him. He let out a loud sniffle .

"J-John-n L-Loves A-a-Ale-x?" He said shakily. I leaned my head closer to his so our faces were only inches away from each other.

"I love you" I whispered gently as I bopped his nose with mine. He brought his shaking lips to mine and kissed me. I tasted the combination of tears, snot, and sweat but I still loved it. The feeling of his soft lips pressed to mine. I melted into the kiss before we pulled away for air.

"I love you" he was able to say clearly. I took one of his blankets wrapping him tightly in it before carrying him to my room. I turned on all my little hanging lights that thank God ran on battery. It made the rooms seem to have small orbs of light floating around the corners. I brought him to my bed and wrapped us in my blankets. He let out a shaky sigh as the rain poured, I gently wrapped my arms around his waist letting him rest his face on me. his whimpers and cries slowly faded away and he began to let out small snores. I smiled pulling him closer to my chest and falling asleep to the sound of the pouring rain.

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