Cheating me (Jamilton/Jeffmads Angst-fluff)

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pov. Thomas Jefferson

"Hon, calm down" I said trying to keep myself from yelling. screaming matches between my fiance were frequent occurrences but tonight I had really pissed him off. 

"I HAVE WORK JEFFERSON" Alexander screamed his voice raising an octave. He was about to yell something else before I interrupted him.

"I know you have work but you're never home even on the weekends" I said raising my voice slightly.

" WELL UNLIKE SOME OF US I LIKE TO GET STUFF DONE" he yelled. I felt my anger take control.

"REALLY, BECAUSE WHENEVER I'VE CALLED YOU ON THE WEEKENDS YOU NEVER ANSWER ME. EVERY DAY IT FEELS LIKE I'VE BEEN SEEING YOU LESS AND LESS" I yelled on the verge of tears. He looked down at the ground. a shameful look in his eyes before he looked back at me.

" I'm sorry okay, I'll be here more. work can just get so stressful sometimes and I get stressed" he said gently trailing off at the end a little. I sighed a little, he always gave those apologies and I always believed him. we both went to bed together. I looked over at  Alexander on the other side of the bed. He never let me cuddle with him anymore. Over these past few months he had been slowly seeming to fade from my life. Not wanting any cuddles, hugs, or kisses. He would only kiss me if I kissed him first, it was the same thing with everything else. It felt like he didn't love me anymore, he hadn't even uttered a simple "I love you" to me in months, it felt like he just didn't care. I hugged a pillow in my arms, crying myself to sleep knowing he wouldn't wake up to ask me if I was okay.

Time skip to the weekend

I walked to Alexander place in the office. I had brought him a bouquet of deep red roses with a letter from me to him written on it to surprise him. when I looked over where he should be he wasn't there. I looked around the building and saw Laf busily typing. I walked over to him.

"Hey Laf" I said. he flinched a little before seeing me.

"Oh hey Thomas what are you doing here on the weekend" He asked. I smiled me and Laf had been close friends for a while.

"I could say the same about you" I said. He let out a small sigh and nervously tapped his foot on the ground.

"I have some work to do and I'm kind of having a nervous breakdown" he said tapping his foot faster. I raised one eyebrow and he pulled out a small black box.

"do you think he'll say yes." Laf said nervously. I smiled at him, after seven long years I'm sure Hercules would be dying for Laf to propose to him.

"I get to be your best man" I said. he smiled a little before I remembered who I was looking for.

"Have you seen Alexander" I asked.

"what do you mean he's never here on the weekends." He said simply with a shrug.

" Then where is he" I said nervously.

"Oh he's out with Laurens like he is every weekend, I can give you the address if you want" He said giving me a small folded piece of paper. I took the piece of paper thanking him before leaving. I quickly went to the address and walked up to the door. I found it unlocked and opened it softly. I looked inside and gasped in shock at what I saw. 

I saw My Alexander snuggled with another man. He had jade eyes and pale freckled skin. His curly hair was in a loose bun. I watched as Alexander wrapped his hands around the man's neck and kissed him passionately. The other man returned the kiss holding Alexander closer.

"I love you, Jackie" Alexander said to the stranger. The other man pulled Alexander close.

"I love you too, Lexi" he said. Alexander snuggled into his chest kissing him again and I felt tears fall down my cheeks. Alexander loved him. He was supposed to love me. we were to be married in a few months from now. I dropped the roses and card to the ground before turning and running back to my car. I went back home now sobbing. I grabbed the phone and called my best friend James Madison.

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