Fuckity, fuck, fuck (Mullette-Smut/ slight fluff)

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pov. Hercules

I stumbled through the door of my apartment with a drunken Frenchman tangled in my arms.I slammed the door shut before wobbling over to the couch and pinning Laf to it. I smashed my lips onto his before he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him.we pulled away for air. Laf wrapped his arms around my neck pressing our lips together again before he swiped his tongue across my lips to which I quickly granted him access. He slipped his tongue into my mouth searching and prodding every corner the mix of wine and liquor seemed to get me even more intoxicated. A small moan escaped my lips as he pressed down harder on my lips.we pulled away a string of saliva connecting us. I hungrily moved my lips from his mouth down his jawline and neck. When I made it to his collarbone he let out a soft moan. I continued to attack this spot with bites,nips, and kisses as a string of moans escaped his throat.He began to unbutton my shirt before sliding it off.I quickly slipped my hands under his shirt tearing it off him.I moved my hand over to his waist tugging at the hem.He moved his hand onto mine before pulling downward. at this I ripped off his pants and began to palm him through his boxers.

"E'recules" Laf drunkenly slurred his french accent heavy before sliding his hands down my pants and grabbed my erection.He began to pump it roughly.I quickly removed his boxers and let his erection spring free.I moved my head down before taking his entire member in my mouth and sucking making him squirm. He let go with a loud moan placing his other hand on my head pushing down making me gag a little.

"Hercules~" He moaned making me pop off. Laf moved both hand to my sides.

"Baise-moi, s'il te plaît E'recules" He moaned grabbing at my pants.

"wha yoo say Laf" I drunkenly giggled at him.

"I want you to fuck moi E'recules, please"

I quickly removed the rest of my clothing throwing them to a random corner before climbing back on top of him. I Pinned his thighs to the couch and lined up with his entrance. I teased him gently brushing  the tip to his hole. He bucked his hips a little before I quickly rammed into him putting in my whole length.

"HERCULES" He moaned loudly.

I began to quickly thrust in and out of him as strings of cusses and moans poured out of his mouth.As I went deeper A loud moan escaped from his mouth

"F-FUCK Hercules, R-Right There, H-HARDER p-please" He said through moans and gasps. I Adjusted myself to hit that spot every time. His moans, getting louder and more drawn out every time Making me go harder and faster into him.

"Hercules~" He said throwing his head back sexily as he came on both our stomachs.I continued until I released somewhere deep inside of him. we rode out our highs together before I pulled out of him.I grabbed one of the blankets on the couch throwing it over us before passing out on top of Laf.

The next morning.

Pov. Lafayette

I woke up only to hiss in pain.It felt like some one was pounding at the walls of my skull and my back was screaming in pain.I glanced around and instead of my room I saw the familiar walls of my boyfriend Hercules apartment. I tried to move my arms only to feel them pinned to my sides. I moved my head to see Hercules arms wrapped around me as his head was smushed into my chest. a blanket covered the rest of us but I could feel our legs tangled together and his bare crotch pressed against mine.

"Hercules" I mumbled sleepily trying to form a sentence through the pain.

he shifted a little before looking up at me before wincing in pain.  He made a few mumbling noises, pressing his face deeper into my chest, tightening his grip. I looked back down at him before trying to remember what happened last night. my memory was all foggy and scattered. I remembered going to the bar, I remembered ending up at Hercules apartment, I remembered making out on his couch, Then-then I couldn't remember what happened next but I had a pretty good idea on what happened.After lying there a little longer Hercules brought his head off my chest. He let out a small groan before getting up and moving the blanket with a small gasp. I looked down and saw mine and Hercules stomachs covered in cum along with the couch and blanket.

"Fuck" I mumbled before standing up leaning on Hercules side.

"we..." Hercules trailed off.

"yeah" I said quickly, looking down at the mess covering his couch.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" Hercules muttered grabbing my hand in his.

"do you want a little company, amour" I asked kissing him sweetly.

He nodded, turning towards me and lifting me in his strong arms before walking towards the bathroom. he set me down on the cool tile floor before turning on the shower. we waited for it to warm up before he held my hand and walked into the shower with me. It was soothing having the warm water hitting me softly. Hercules took the shampoo and gently began to massage my scalp. he rinsed the soap from my hair. He gently hugged me from behind and I turned his arms looking at him. his perfect dark brown eyes, his soft chocolaty skin, his sweet smile, his dark short curly hair.

"I love you so much" Hercules said his eyes full of nothing but love. I gently placed my hands around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I softly kissed his two beautiful soft lips and he melted into the kiss. 

"I love you too" I said sweetly.

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