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"I met Eunjo noona earlier. Arghhhhhhh and she's as pretty as ever. I think I'm going to explode and die and like dissipate off the planet. Thank you god for making me born in the same time as Eunjo." Seunghan covering his face with his palms as he screamed into them.
"Oh no, he finally met her again. And here I was enjoying two years of absolute silence of him not uttering his crushes name." Sohee stated as he flips through his textbook.
"Who's Eunjo again?" Wonbin questions with his mouth full.
"Geez, you don't even know your own classmate. She was the girl whose position you stole in music class. Does that ring a bell in your head?" Anton replies as Wonbin chews on his food as he tries to remember.
"Oohh her. Sorry, first day of school. I'm still a bit braindead." He says after he has finally remembered. Honestly though, for Wonbin, remembering the names of his classmates wasn't important. It wasn't like he was going to see them ever again after he finished high school.

"Where's Eunseok Hyung to tell Seunghan off and tell him to shut up." Sohee sighs. It was now just the four of them in school. Eunseok and Sungchan have joined Shotaro in university. Their friend group was slowly decreasing.
"Stop reminding me that he's now in uni. Wonbin hyung would then be joining them and then the two of you. I'll be the last one here and I'll be all alone." Anton frowns.
"Who told you to be born so late." Wonbin utters as the side of Anton's lips twitches.

"Guys seriously though, how do I make her fall for me. Wonbin how did you manage to make Yejun fall for you. Tell me how." Seunghan says desperately.
Wonbin furrows his brows as he finished his food.
"Hmm I don't know. I'm just so handsome that she fell for me." Wonbin gave him a random answer as it made Seunghan look at him in disgust.
"I fucking hate you."
"I'm just joking. I don't know how she fell for me honestly. I tried to be cool and it didn't work. She likes me when I started showing my weird side. Yejun is a weird girl, don't follow whatever I did. There's no guarantee that it'll work." The older lad stated.

"What Wonbin hyung is trying to say is that Yejun noona liked his princess side more than his cool persona. So just be yourself." Anton simplified it.
"I tried being myself and I think it annoyed her. Sohee how about you. How did you make Ari fall for you." Seunghan then changed to asking Sohee instead.
"I'm cute and I'm nice?" Sohee says, even he was unsure of his own answer.
"You guys are useless." He sighs as he stares at the table. Tapping his fingers on the table as he tried to think of a plan.

"Just flirt with her. Flirting usually works. Try to make her flustered, she'll come around then." Anton suggested as it caught Seunghan's attention.

"You're pretty useful for someone who doesnt have a girlfriend." Seunghan patting the back of his younger friend as Anton could just send him a glare. He was kind of offended that Seunghan would just assume that he was skilled at flirting for no reason. He had a crush, his friends just doesn't know of it. They never will and he'll make sure of it.


"It's the first day of school and I already got this much homework. I fucking hate school with a passion." Eunjo mumbles to herself as she stares at her math homework in disgust. She's been trying to finish this assignment for the last thirty minutes. She finished the rest of her other work and this was the last one left. It's stressing her out that she'd been scribbling on a separate piece of paper to release the tension.

"Is this seat taken?"
The sound of Seunghan's voice made the girl look up. Seeing him stand in front of her with a grin on his face.
She looks around the library. The library was empty and the other tables and seats weren't occupied. So why did he want to sit in the same table as her when there was plenty other tables that he could have occupied?
"Uh no it's not. Just go ahead and sit there." She replied. Honestly she wasn't in the mood to argue with him.
Her answer had made a smile appear on the younger lads mouth as he sat down in front of her.

He opens up his backpack before taking out his notebook, textbook, and his pencil case.
I guess he really did seemed to want to study. He didn't want to study alone so he sat with Eunjo.

Eunjo stares at him peculiarly. Wondering what this one junior of hers was up to.
She caught a glimpse of his pencil case. Seeing that his pencil case had a design of Crayon Shinchan on it. She couldn't help but to admire it.

"Do you like my pencil case. I got it as a gift from Taro hyung when he went back to Japan." Seunghan stated as Eunjo quickly looked away when she was caught staring.
"Since when did you start liking Shinchan?" She questions.
"Ever since noona gave me a bandaid with shinchan on it two years ago." He answers as her eyes widens.
"I forgot about that. Heh, you were that cute silly kid who always hurts himself." She lets out a soft chuckle as she reminisces on the past.
"Well you're still the same kid until today." She says as a frown appears on his face.
"I don't like it when you still refer to me as a kid." He mumbles.


"Why has it been raining for the last two weeks. I want it to be sunny again." Chaehyun complains as she and Eunjo stood under the bus shelter. The seventeen year old girls had just finished their tuition class as they waited for the bus to arrive.
"The weather forecast did say that this whole month would be filled with rain." Eunjo replies as she stares at the dark sky. Admiring it. She didn't know why she liked rainy days so much.
"By the time the rain stops, the town would be drowned by then." Her friend whines as it was able to make her laugh.
"Gosh why are you always so negative Chae."

"Ya Seunghan stop running, you might slip!"
"You can't catch up to me Sohee! Remember last one to get to the bus stop has to do the other's homework."
"At this point I don't even mind doing your homework, just don't run in the rain, you might injure yourself you idiot!"
"Don't worry I won't-"

The next thing Eunjo and Chaehyun witnessed was a view of a boy slipping and falling down to the ground. The sight of blood dripping from his knees that was all scratched up.
"See I told you not to run!" His friend exclaims in annoyance before helping him up and assisting him over to the bus stop.
"Slow down Sohee, it hurts when I move my legs." The boy scowls as his friend could just hit his knees that were injured. Making him yelp in pain even more.
"Whose fault is it now that you have a bloody knee huh!??!"

"Ttori you're so mean." The boy wails once his friend had helped him get under the bus stop. The two of them sitting down on the benches as they tried to dry themselves up.
"Seunghan you're lucky that I'm your friend or else I would've left you alone on the ground."

"His knees look pretty beaten up, poor boy." Chaehyun whispers as Eunjo nodded her head in agreement before she started going through her backpack.

"Geez what are we going to do with your knees now. I don't have a bandaid with me." Sohee lets out a sigh as the two guys sat there in silence.

"I have a bandaid."
A feminine voice caught their attention as they both looked forward to see a girl walk up to them.
"Oh my god did you see me fall earlier.." Seunghan mutters as the girl could just smile at him as she nods her head.

"This is so embarrassing.." Seunghan mumbles as his face started heating up.
"You're just realising that now?" Sohee tells him as his friend sent him a quick glare.
"You don't have to feel embarrassed about it. Unfortunate incidents like this happens all the time." She tells him before squatting down and aiding his injured knees.

Seunghan didn't know why his face felt so hot right now. Why his heart started beating really fast all of a sudden.
He stares at the girl. Watching as she cleans the blood that was dripping down his knees before patching it up with a bandaid. The bandaid having an image of shinchan with his thumbs up.
He also notices that her bag had pins of the different crayon shinchan characters. He never really paid attention to the show growing up. But something about this girl liking shinchan allot seemed so adorable to him.

"There, all done. Next time try listening to your friend so you won't fall again." She says and softly pats his knees.
Sohee nodding his head as he agreed with the girls statement, further infuriating Seunghan as he rolls his eyes at him.
"Thank what's your name... noona." He says bashfully.
Hearing him call her noona had startled her a bit. Eunjo swore that she heard Chaehyun let out a snort from behind.

"Eunjo." She tells him as Seunghan flashed her a bright smile.
"Thank you so much Eunjo noona. You're really nice and pretty." He says as Eunjo shakes her head in disbelief as she listens to this kid.
"You're welcome. Take care of yourself next time."

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