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"I want to go out today

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"I want to go out today." Seunghan complains for the nth time this morning. Him then coughing out loud before sniffing his nose. "I feel like fucking shit."

"See, more proof as to why you aren't well. So no, you can't go out today. You're going to rest here in the hotel room for the whole day until your cold calms down." Sohee scolded as it made a frown appear on his friend's face.
Seunghan turning his back against him as he took his iPad out to watch a series to binge watch. He might as well start watching case closed, the detective Conan show that Eunjo told him about.

Today, Seunghan was supposed to spend the day at Sega Shinjuku Kabukicho arcade with Wonbin and Sohee so they could win some prizes for their friends from the claw machine. He was genuinely so excited to go there but the universe had other plans for him. Instead he had gotten sick from getting wet from the rain yesterday and thus he was stuck in bed.

"Don't worry, we'll try to win some prizes for you and the guys, so you won't feel left out. We'll be back by evening, so you stay here and rest whilst you take your medicine." Wonbin tells him. Putting a cap on his head as he took a quick glance at Seunghan who was still sulking over the fact that he can't come alone.
"Hmm I don't care, just go." Seunghan mumbles as his friends could just shake their heads at his stubborn state.
"We're gonna leave now. Rest well Seunghan." Sohee stated before him and Wonbin left their hotel room.


"I heard from Wonbin that Seunghan got sick." Yejun brought up. Eunjo who was eating at the restaurant in the hotel along with Yejun couldn't help but to furrow her browse when she heard that.
"He is?" She says as the girl beside her nodded her head.
"Wonbin said that him and Sohee had to force him to stay in the hotel room and rest. *sigh, it's only our third day here and he had managed to get sick. I feel bad for him." The girl spoke.
"That's a bummer. By the way, why'd his friends have to force him to stay in? It seems like he wanted to come alone with them." Eunjo asks.

"They were supposed to go to Sega Shinjuku Kabukicho arcade today. Seunghan was the one who wanted to go there because he wanted to win some prizes from the claw machine for his friends, to bring back as souvenirs." Yejun explains. Hearing this somehow saddens Eunjo.
It was her fault that he had gotten sick today. If he hadn't come along with her and gotten drenched by the rain, then he wouldn't have had to skip out on going to the place that he's been eagerly wanting to visit.

Yejun looks over at Eunjo who's been awfully quiet.
"Is something wrong Eunjo?" She asks.
"You say Yejun, if you don't have anywhere to be after this, do you want to go to that arcade with me?" Eunjo questions.
"Why'd you want to go there all of a sudden? Has this got something to do with Seunghan."
Yejun knew why she wanted to go there. But she didn't feel the need to tease her for it.
"No, absolutely not. I just want to go there and try the claw machine, and since you're a pro at them, why not go there with you." Eunjo rambles as it made her friend grin.
"Alright then, we could go there after this."

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