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Today was the day of their study tour. Seunghan and the rest of the two grades that were going to attend this study tour were now currently at the airport.

"Where should we go to first when we've arrived and are given the time to explore?" Sohee asks his two friends.
"Hmm obviously the places that Taro hyung had recommended." Wonbin replies.
"I want to visit the Sega Shinjuku Kabukicho arcade! Let's try to win as many prizes as we can from the claw machine so we can give them as gifts for our friends when we arrive." Seunghan stated. Even if he was going to be far away from the rest of his friends, he still didn't forget but to think about them.
"I like that idea. I second that." Sohee agrees as he nods his head.
"Me too, I like that idea." The older lad answers.

"Students, please start lining up. We're about to depart." The teachers announced as everyone got up and started to form a line.

"Seunghan don't forget about your doll." Sohee exclaims as he ran over to where his friend was and hands him his Shinchan doll that he nearly left behind.
A gasp leaves his lips when he realises that he had nearly left it behind.
"Thank you ttori. I'd be so devastated if I left it behind and forgot to bring it with me." He says, thanking Sohee as he hugs the doll.
"Why are you bringing that thing around with you?" Wonbin asks weirdly. Seriously though why is he bringing a bald shinchan doll around with him?

"It's from Eunjo noona. I'm bringing it with me so it'll feel like she's always around me." Seunghan replies.
"But isn't Eunjo also coming on this trip? Pretty sure I saw her talking with Yejun when we arrived here." Wonbin spoke as he fixes his beanie as well as adjusting the cat neck pillow that he had on.
"Yeah but you know what I mean. Oh I also brought it with me because Shinchan lost his smell, he doesn't smell like noona anymore, so I was planning to ask Eunjo noona if I could borrow her perfume so I can spray it on Shinchan and he could get his scent back." Seunghan grinning as his two friends looked at him in disbelief.
"Of course that was your main objective." Sohee mumbles as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

The line then started moving as the students started entering the plane one by one.
"Sohee do you want the window seat?" Seunghan asks as Sohee nods his head excitedly before entering the row first. Followed by Seunghan who sat in the middle and then by Wonbin. He wanted to sit at the edge because he said that it'll allow him easy access to the toilet later.



It had hit the one hour mark since the plane had been in the sky. Seunghan looks over at his side to see both Sohee and Wonbin fast asleep. They only had an hour left and honestly he was far too excited for this trip that he couldn't fall asleep.

He went on his phone since he was bored.
And what better way then to text Eunjo at this bored state 😁

pretty noona

Noona are you awake? |
Talk to meeeeee |

| well I was in the verge of falling asleep until you decided to text me
| so yeah I'm wide awake now
| why'd you text?

I'm bored :'((((((( |
My friends are sleeping 😔 |
I got tired of poking and pinching Sohee's cheeks in his sleep |

| why are you harassing that poor boy in his sleep

Well, it's the only way that he'd let me touch his cheeks without him pushing me away 🙄 |

| :O...
| that was a no comment moment from me.

Anyways noona, I wanted to ask you something |

| ???

Did you by any chance bring your perfume that you usually use that makes you smell like cherry blossoms 🙃?|

| uh yeah I did
| had to bring a small bottle of it because I was afraid if they'd take it away 💀
| wait-
| why are you asking?

I wanted to ask if I could borrow your perfume so I could spray it on shinchan |
He doesn't smell like you anymore 😭😭😭 |

| smh 🤦🏻‍♀️
| you're asking for that??!!!!

| smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ | you're asking for that??!!!!

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| hmmmm right 🤨..
| I'll give you the perfume tmmrw after we've rested 😪
| just remind me incase I forget

Okkk 😁😁 |

| I'm going to go off
| I want to sleep

I'll let you rest then, and just spend another hour just staring into nothing 🥲 |
Sleep well noona 😙😙😙 |

Seunghan klo texting sama eunjo, dia give off jamet vibe gk sihh HAHAHA 🤣 mau bikin Seunghan jadi jamet

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