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7:00 am

"Why did the teachers think that it was a good idea to go on a hike as the first activity that we do once we've arrived in Japan? Are they asking me to die because I have horrible stamina or what?!" Eunjo complains as she leaves their hotel room, locking the door once Chaehyun and Ruka had exited.
"You're just a weakling. At least we could get to see the beautiful view of nature." Chaehyun tells her as a tired groan left Eunjo's lips.
"As much as I love being back home, I'd rather not go hiking as the first activity that we do once we've arrived." Ruka replies, agreeing with Eunjo's statement.
"Geez, why am I friends with a bunch of lazy people." Chaehyun complains as the three friends started walking down the hallway.

They entered the elevator as it took them downstairs to the lobby, where they had to meet the rest of their class.

"Who are you sitting with in the bus?" Ruka asks.
"You should consider sitting with Yedam. Who knows, maybe the two of you could start getting to know each other during this trip." Eunjo teases Chaehyun as she watches as Chaehyun's face glowed red in this bright morning.
The girl shaking her head vigorously a no.
"No way! I'm sitting with Ruka, you go find someone to sit with." She exclaims and links her arms with Ruka to show Eunjo that she was hers.

All Eunjo could do was roll her eyes at her. She then looks around the lobby to see if she can find a partner to sit with in the bus. Her eyes fell onto Seunghan, who was standing by himself as he was on his phone.
She immediately went over to him.

"Seunghan." Eunjo calls out as it manages to catch his attention.
The lad looking back to see his favourite senior walking up to him. A smile had managed to make its way on his face in this early morning.
"Noona, good morning." He greeted her.
"Morning Seunghan. Oh, by the way, before I forget." She replies before taking something out of her backpack.
"Here. You could give it back to me when you're done using it."
Eunjo handed her small bottle of perfume over to Seunghan as his eyes lit up.
"Thank youu." He cheers happily before putting the perfume inside his bag.

"By the way, Seunghan, are you..." Eunjo trails off, too embarrassed to ask him if he had a partner to sit with on the bus. (Eunjo lu gengsi next level)
"Are you??" He repeated, waiting for her to finish her sentence off.
"Are you going to be sitting with Sohee on the bus?" She finally manages to say the words out loud.

Oh, he knew where this was going, and it excites him. He plans to tease her a bit so she can say exactly what he wanted to hear.

"No, ttori is planning to sit with his girlfriend, so I have no one to sit with. Why'd you ask noona?" He replies as he stares at her innocently.
She grits her teeth. She was probably going to regret her decision later on, but that's for future Eunjo to worry about.
"I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me on the bus since I don't want to sit next to a random person." Eunjo stated as a grin escalated its way on Seunghan's face.
"Of course I'd sit with noona. Besides, i was planning to sit next to you from the start and even fight over the seat if I had to." He answers as she threw him a look.
"Of course you were, why did I even bother asking."

₍^ >ヮ<^₎☆

"I'm so tiredd

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"I'm so tiredd." Eunjo whines as she stops walking to take a deep breath.
"Come on noona, we only have a few more steps to take until we've reached the bottom again." Seunghan tells her as he patiently waits for her to calm down.
"A few more? A few more?! There's still at least twenty more flights of stairs until we've reached the bottom." She exclaims before falling down on the ground.
"Hey, twenty isn't that much." He shrugs his shoulders. She could just frown.
"Maybe I should've bailed out. I'm too weak for this." A sigh leaves her lips as she could just stare at the ground.

He watches her tenderly. Seunghan going over to her as he squats down in front of her.
"Get on my back. I'll carry you downstairs." He tells her as Eunjo looks at him blankly.
"No, I'm only going to slow you down." Shaking her head as Seunghan did not want to take no as an answer.
"Eunjo, get on my back. It's better if you slowed me down than only one of us being able to get back." He says.

She went quiet.
He didn't call her noona for once.
Something about it, had managed to make her face heat up. Good thing that he wasn't facing her direction and only his back was face against her.

She reluctantly got on his back. Wrapping her arms around his neck as Seunghan stood up, holding onto the back of her legs to ensure that she won't fall off.
"Sorry." She apologises once he had started walking. The girl laying her head on his shoulders embarrassed.
"No worries. I'm just happy that you'd let me carry you." He says with a grin on his face.

" He says with a grin on his face

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"See I told you that Eunjo would be the last person to get back from the hike!" Ruka tells Chaehyun once the two friends had seen Eunjo and Seunghan entering the restaurant at last. The two of them being the last ones to arrive at their meeting spot after the hike.
"Eunjo why'd you take so long?" Chaehyun exclaims as she watches as Eunjo walks over to them.
"I got tired. I had to keep stopping." She tells them. Lying because she didn't want to tell her friends that Seunghan had carried her down twenty flights of stairs on his back.
"Geez, you're such a weakling. You should've told the teachers that you didn't have the energy to go on this hike." Chaehyun sighs.
"But I didn't want to miss out on seeing the sceneries.."

"Well, thankfully there's still one table left for you to eat." Ruka says as she points at the 'empty' table. The table now seated with Seunghan.
Eunjo could just give them a tired look before walking over to where Seunghan was at.

The sound of a chair being pulled back caught Seunghan's attention as he looks over at her.

"Noona, the teacher said that after this hike, we're all free to explore the place on our own." Seunghan informs her as she sits down beside him.
"Ah is that so? That's great then. I'm going to go cafe hopping after this!" She says excitedly whilst clasping her hands.
She then took a hold of the chopsticks before starting to eat the food that was provided.
"I saw that you had no one to go cafe hoping with." He stated as she stopped eating. Looking at him with her mouth full.
"How'd you know?"
"From your Twitter. Seeing as you don't have anyone to go there with. Do you mind if I tagged along with you." He asks, awaiting for an answer.
"Sure. It's better than going anywhere alone."


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