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"Oh my god you're a white person." Ruka gasps when she sees Eunjo's new hair.
"You say that whenever one of us decides to go blonde." Chaehyun replies as she shakes her head. Laughing at Ruka's statement.
"Blonde looks good on you though Eunjo. It's going to leave a big impression on Seunghan." Ruka nudging the girls arms as she threw her an annoyed look.
"I don't even want to imagine how he'd react. I might as well ignore him for the day." She says tiredly. She didn't want to know how he'd react. It's not like she dyed her hair to please him.
"Right, since you two are so nice as to finally spend break out of your cave, a.k.a the workshop. Let's go to the basketball field and watch the team play!" Chaehyun says in amusement. Linking her arms around both of her friends as she drags them out of the school building.

"Ah let me simplify it for you! Let's go and watch Yedam play basketball so Chae could go googoogaga eyes on him." Ruka corrected, earning a snort from Eunjo as she couldn't help muster a laugh. Chaehyun groaning as her cheeks started to heat up.
"Hey! Basketball is fun." Chaehyun argues.
"Yes to watch, if the three of us even knew how the sport even goes." Eunjo rolling her eyes playfully.
The two friends then continues to tease and provoke Chaehyun as they made their way to the basketball court.


"One more lap." Seunghan stated as him and Sohee had just finished running another lap.
"I swear after I'm done with Highschool, I'm never going to run EVER again." Sohee groans as he breathes heavily.
"Such horrible stamina for someone who can sing high notes and hold their breath for a long time." Seunghan spoke as Sohee shot him a glare.
"Running drains my energy." The younger lad frowns.
"We only have one more lap to do ttori. You can get past this." Seunghan encourages as the two of them fastened their pace.

They were almost done with their lap. Just a bit more and they would reach the finish line and be done with.
But Seunghan had gotten distracted. His eyes had caught a group of girls walking over to the basketball court. His eyes immediately falling onto Eunjo, and her new hairdo.
He couldn't believe his eyes. It was like him seeing a real life angel in real life.

"Hey- Seunghan why'd you stop running." Sohee asks confused when he realises that his friend wasn't running beside him anymore.
"Eunjo noona..." He replies as he points towards the direction of the basketball court.
"Huh Eunjo? Where?" Sohee asks confused.
"She has blonde hair now. She looks so pretty." He shrieks, he could not hold in his excitement.
"Really?" His friend had a tired look on his face after hearing that.

"Hey Sohee and Seunghan, what the heck are the two of you doing just standing there for!?" Their coach exclaimed as it frightens poor Sohee.
"Seunghan you idiot, you freaking idiot. Start running now." Sohee pulling onto his hopeless friend's arms as he drags Seunghan with him so the two of them could reach the finish line.
He was the one who hated running, but ended up being the person who managed to get the both of their asses to finish their five laps around the field.

"Seriously dude, you need to stop getting distracted." Sohee whines as he chugs down his bottle of water. Dehydrated, tired, exhausted, and he felt like collapsing.
"Sorry. But I can't help it?!" He argues whilst wiping his sweat off with a small towel.
"We nearly got in trouble again because of you, *sigh when will I ever be free from these near death punishments." Sohee leaning his head against the tree that he was leaning on.

Seunghan wasn't listening. He's been busy looking over at the basketball court, trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of Eunjo anywhere.

"You should go over to the basketball court, so it'd stop you from looking like a creep here." Sohee tells him as Seunghan looks at him offended.
"Hey I do not look like a creep!"
"Yes you do." Sohee then got up as he dusted his pants.

"Anyways, I'm going to head over to the changing room and change. I feel disgusting being drenched in sweat. If you need me I'll be at the library after that." He waves at him before leaving.
Maybe Sohee was doing him a favour so now he could go over to Eunjo and talk to her.


"I don't understand what's happening but this is fun!" Ruka exclaims so her two friends could hear her from the crowd of loud noises.
"See I told you so!" Chaehyun replied.

Eunjo wasn't entertained. She never liked sports, so sitting here by the bleachers as her two friends were screaming at the players were boring her to death. She'd rather be in a classroom under the cold AC instead of this hot weather and watch her current Anime series.

"I'm so bored." Eunjo mumbles as she reverts her attention around the basketball court. To literally anything other than the damn game that was currently happening.
She caught a glimpse of Seunghan entering the court. He was still in his gym attire, he must have just finished his class as his hair was still wet from the sweat.

She watches him carefully, wondering what he was doing here. But her thoughts were immediately answered when she sees that Seunghan had caught her. The two of them making eye contact with each other.

"Shit he caught me."

"Noona!" Seunghan waving his hands, a wide grin on his face as he then proceeds to walk over to where she was at.
"What are you doing here Seunghan?" Eunjo asks. Although it was probably a really dumb question to ask.
"One of my friends is playing right now. I was going to ask him if I could have his water bottle since I left mine at home." He replies.
She hits his head.
"*Ouch what was that for?" He winced. Caressing his head as he looks at her with a small frown.
"For forgetting to bring your water bottle. You need to stay hydrated. You look like you've just ran a mile as well." She tells him whilst shaking her head.
"Yes,yes, noona I understand. Wont let that happen again." He says. Thought he felt a bit happy that she cared about his well being hehe...

"Here." She took out an unopened water bottle from her bag as she hands it to him.
He was a bit taken aback.

Was this for real right now.
Eunjo. Handing. Him. Her. Water. Bottle.

"This is yours." He says.
"Well duh it's mine. But you need it more than me so you can have it." She stated as she raises a brow at him.
He opens the water bottle before taking a generous sip.
"Thanks. For caring." He thanks her bashfully. He couldn't even look at her as he had his head bowed down.
It was the first that she'd ever seen him this shy around her.

"You're welcome." Eunjo replies before patting his head.

His mission for coming here was to compliment her for her new hair but after this, he didn't think that he had the courage to do so as he was far too shy to utter a word.
Well maybe next time then.

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