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"I can't believe you guys left me alone in school for a whole week." Anton whines as he walks towards the school gates with his three older friends who had just arrived back from their study tour in Japan.
"Your fault that you don't have other friends besides us." Wonbin replies as the younger lad shot him a glare.
"I have other friends but I'm just not as close to them as much as I am with you guys! Besides, I like hanging out with the three of you a lot more." Anton says as he frowns.
"Aww don't worry Anton. Study hard so you could graduate faster, who knows you might graduate alongside me and Seunghan so you won't be left alone here." Sohee tells him as he patted the younger boys back.
"Hmm that does sound like a nice idea. Ok then, I'll try to study harder."

"Anyways, why hasn't Seunghan said anything for a while. He's been so quiet, it's almost terrifying." Wonbin asks as he looks to his side to see Seunghan staring at his phone.
"He's gone silent ever since he saw Eunjo's Twitter update. She dyed her hair back to brunette, seunghan must have been left awestruck." Sohee explains as their other two friends could just shake their heads in disbelief. Of course it was because of that.

"Why did Eunjo dye her hair back to brunette? Why didn't she keep her blonde hair..." Seunghan mumbles. The lad finally speaking.
"Because our graduation is coming up real soon and they didn't allow anyone to have coloured hair. Even told my dear Yejun to dye her hair back to black." Wonbin answers.
"Wait did you just call her Eunjo- why are you not calling her noona??" Anton asks in surprise. His question shocking the rest of his friends as well as they didn't even notice it at first.
"Ohh, because she said that I should stop using honorifics with her cause we're already close. I think that's already a large step forward hehe... she wants me for real." Seunghan giggles as it made Anton stare at him in disgust.
"Well you know what they say. Staying delusional is always the solution!"


"Weird how I haven't seen Seunghan bugging you today!" Ruka stated as it made Eunjo and Chaehyun stop from doing their activities to look at her.
"He's probably busy." Eunjo reasons.
"Or busy thinking of a plan to meet you today!l." Chaehyun retorted.
"This saw is so close to cutting you up." Eunjo threatens as Chaehyun only rolls her eyes at her.

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