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"That hike was the worst thing that I've ever experienced in my nineteen years of existing on this planet." Wonbin complains as he fell down on the bed.
The three friends had just gotten back to their hotel room and Wonbin couldn't hold it in anymore and collapsed on the bed. He must have been trying to act tough and mighty in front of his girlfriend, when in reality he felt like dying and he couldn't feel his limbs.
"I liked that hike. It was refreshing." Sohee stated as he sat down on his bed. Smiling at his two friends as if he hadn't just went on a long and exhausting hike.
"It was ok. 8 out of 10 experience." Seunghan joined in.

He would've rated it a six but added two extra point because of the fact that he had managed to convince Eunjo to let him carry her 🤭

Seunghan then unpacks his bag. Taking out a small bottle of perfume out of his bag as Wonbin and Sohee watches him peculiarly.
"Whose perfume is that?" The older lad questions.
"Eunjo noona's! She gave it to me before the hike, now I can spray Shinchan with it." Seunghan replied before taking a hold of his doll and spraying it with Eunjo's perfume.
"You're a psycho." Wonbin mumbles before burying his face in his pillow.

Seunghan could just roll his eyes at him. As if Wonbin wasn't more of a psychopath than him.
"Anyways, none of you two are going to use the bathroom right?" Seunghan asks as his two friends shook their heads a no.
"I'm too tired to get out of bed." Wonbin replies, followed by Sohee. "You can use it first if you want."
"Ok then~" He chanted before going inside the bathroom to freshen himself up before his little 'date' (is what he'd like to call their hangout) with Eunjo.


"Geez did he fall asleep?" Seunghan asks once he had finished taking a shower. Walking into the room with a towel on his head as he uses it to dry his hair up.
"He was supposed to go out with Yejun but she said that they should take a rest first, so he immediately passed out." Sohee replies as he stares at Wonbin who was fast asleep. Messy hair that covered his eyes as light snores came out of his mouth.
"Such a weakling." Seunghan chuckles before going over to his side of the room and going on his phone.

"I'm going to use the bathroom now." Sohee chanted as his friend chanted a small 'ok' before he disappeared behind the door.


"Hi noona!" Seunghan greeted once Eunjo had finally arrived at the lobby.
"Sorry for taking long. Chaehyun took forever in the shower! This girl always has to hold a whole ass concert inside there, as if I'm not a whole stinky person who's about to go out." Eunjo apologises, complaining along the way as it made a chuckle escape Seunghan's lips.
"You didn't take that long. Don't worry."

"Well should we start heading out now? Where's the first place that you want to visit." He stated before standing up.
"Actually there's two places that I want to visit before we start cafe hoping. The first place is in Chiyoda city. I think you'd really like it."


"Oh my god. This is Shinchan heaven!?!" Seunghan gasps as he looks around the place in aghast. Full on excitement displayed on his face.
Eunjo couldn't help but to grin seeing his joyous state.
"Since you asked if you could accompany me, I thought that this should be the first place that we could visit. I was actually planning to visit the Crayon Shinchan official shop last." Eunjo explains as he looks at her with a frown on his face.

Him not wanting to believe that she'd be this thoughtful.

"Noona... this is a bad idea because I was planning to save money this whole trip and refrain myself from buying too much things. But this is the first place that I'm visiting and I already want to drop the bag." He cries as she shakes her head in disbelief.
"Don't worry, I'm here to stop you from going broke." She sighs.

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