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"How was your little date yesterday with Seunghan." Chaehyun asks as the three friends were currently spending their morning at a cafe that they found nearby.
"It wasn't a date. It was just a hangout geez." Eunjo replies as she shot Chaehyun a tired look. The girl smirking as she loves teasing Eunjo about Seunghan.

"Yes totally just a hangout." Chaehyun teases.
"I at least went out with a guy, even if it's in a friendly manner. You can't even talk or hold a conversation with Yedam." Eunjo retorted as it caught her friend off guard.
Ruka who was enjoying her fluffy pancake had to stop eating to let out a laugh.

"Eun you did not HAHAHAH!" She chuckles.
"I hate you, hmph!" Chaehyun frowning as she stops teasing her to finally enjoy her pancake.

"Aren't you going to go exploring with Seunghan again in the afternoon?" Ruka asks as Eunjo nods her head. The girl busy eating.
"That boy must be on cloud nine since he can spend a lot of time with you during this study tour." Ruka stated as it made Eunjo look at her peculiarly.
"That's a weird way of saying it." She says.


"How did you spend your morning?" Eunjo asks as she and Seunghan were walking around Shibuya city.
"Oh me and my friends went to the places that Taro hyung suggested!" He replied.
"Who's Taro hyung?" She questions.
"He's my Japanese friend. Three years older than me! He's currently on his second year of university, and when he heard that we'd be going on a study tour to Japan, he told us the places that we should visit." Seunghan explains. He always has a fond smile on his face whenever he talks about his friends.

"Ah, that sounds so fun. I have a Japanese friend as well but she doesn't want to recommend me any places to visit. She'd rather sleep than travel." Eunjo complains as it manages to make Seunghan let out a soft laugh.
"You just gotta force Ruka to come along with you at this point. It usually does the work." He tells her as she nods her head tiredly.

"Look we've arrived!" Eunjo exclaims excitedly once the two of them had reached the said cafe.
They had finally arrived at the Detective Conan café in Shibuya.
"You like this anime?" He asks her as she nodded eagerly.
"My childhood. Detective Conan has a special place in my heart. I especially love Kaito kid. He's my childhood crush." She stated. The mention of her childhood 'crush' made him snap his head towards her direction.
"Who's this kaito kid person." He asks her as they entered the cafe.
"He's a phantom thief." She says before shortly being interrupted by Seunghan.
"You like thieves???"
"Not in that case. He isn't like a stealer-stealer thief. You'd understand if you watched detective Conan." She tells him before she stopped walking all of a sudden.

"Why'd you stop walking noona?"
"It's kaito kid. See." She says as she points at a figure on the second floor.
Seunghan being forced to look above to see this renown phantom thief. Him seeing a statue of a guy wearing a white top hat and full on white outfit and monocles. The character was attractive, he can't lie.
"If I could become like Kaito kid would you have a crush on me as well." He says all of a sudden as it caught her off guard.
Eunjo looking at him as a small tint of blush covered her cheeks.
"Don't start saying weird things now!" She tells him off as he frowns.
"I want to be liked by noona too~"
"Well if you want to be liked by me then you should start watching detective Conan first. Seeing as you don't know anything about this anime." Eunjo rambles as she looks away from him.
"Ok I'll start watching detective Conan then! Don't complain when I start liking it a lot, like what happened with Shinchan. It's your fault I'm obsessed." He stated with his arms crossed.

" He stated with his arms crossed

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