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"Thanks for wanting to come today. I know our schedule has been a bit hectic since it's nearing the end of the school year." Eunjo spoke as she and Seunghan were currently walking through the streets of Seoul. Eunjo had asked if he wanted to visit a cat cafe with her today because she wanted to cool off from the stress of graduation. (Her graduation was in two days and she wanted to jump off a building).
"No worries. I had nothing else to do anyways this week, so why not spend it with you!" He says a bit too excitedly.

"Well, hopefully you don't get too bored hanging out with me today since we'd just be visiting a cat cafe." She chuckles as he glances at her.
"Whenever I'm with you I've never experienced the feeling of being bored. Even if you stay quiet and mind your own business, just staring at your face entertains me." He says as she snaps her head towards his direction.
"Stop saying weird things."
"What? It's the truth. Besides today I'd be hanging out with Eunjo and cats, my favourite two beings in the world." He clasps his hands together in joy.
"Your favourite beings after Sohee and Shinchan." She corrected as he shakes his head a no.
"Ttori and Shinchan had sadly moved down my list of my favourite people in the world. You're number two now and he's number three." He explains.
"Who's number one then?" Eunjo asks.
"My mom!"
"Ahh that's fair. Thanks for putting me so high in your list of favourite people." She says as Seunghan looks at her with a frown.

"What about me. What rank am I on your list of favourite people." He asks.
"Hmm.." Eunjo thought about it. She never really made a list of all the things she likes.
"You're sixth place because the first five are for my favourite fictional characters! Of course Kaito kid is first place!" She answers as it made him whine.
"That's so low!!" He complains. His complaints being able to make her laugh.

"That's a list of my favourite guys. You'd be ranked number one for my list of people who I enjoy being with." She clarifies as it manages to make him go quiet.
He looks away from her to hide the blush that was appearing on his face.
"Ok that's much better then." He says.


"Something about being surrounded by cats is just so therapeutic." Eunjo stated as she was feeding one of the cats.
"I have to stop the urge of squishing each one of their faces cause they're so cute." Seunghan replies as he plays with a Siamese cat.

"Oh- that cat looks like it really likes you." Eunjo point out when a black cat had sat down on Seunghan's lap.
"The cat distribution system assigned me a cat." He awes as he pats the cat that was now sleeping on his lap.

"The cat kind of looks like your cat Eunjo. What was its name again? Matcha?" He says.
"Yeah her name was matcha." She agrees.
"That's still a weird name to give to a cat."
"She likes matcha ok??? Her eyes were green as well." Eunjo reasons.
"What happened to your cat. You used to post about her regularly on your Twitter." He asks.
"She passed away a year ago."

Eunjo dropping that bomb shell as it made him go silent.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for asking. I didn't know." Seunghan immediately apologises as she lightly shakes her head.
"Don't worry about it. She was an old cat as well, she's been with me since I was a baby. It was time for her to rest." Says Eunjo.
"Are you still sad that she's gone?"
"I mean it was kind of hard to cope without her presence. But then I met you again after two years and I don't feel as sad anymore. You remind me a lot of my cat Seunghan I don't know why." She said as he softly smiles.
"That's why I'm your favourite person right, because I remind you a lot of matcha?" He frowns as she could just chuckle.

"That's why I'm your favourite person right, because I remind you a lot of matcha?" He frowns as she could just chuckle

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