Growing up in the galaxy far far away...

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It was a rather strange, yet plasant year, the Count of Serenno mused, as he walked trough the now deserted corridors of the royal castle.

Late evening has already settled over the location of the castle, thus most of the servants have left for their homes, or their quarters depending on their status.

This was one of many quirky (See what I did there?) traditions of the Royal House of Serenno in the eyes of the broader galaxy - to take proper care of their servants and other royal subjects.

Some might see this as an affront to the person's self value, or as a waste of credits that one could have saved, but what the narrow minded fools do not see is the broader picture...

What good will a servant have of their pride on empty stomach and cold cot?

What good will be the work of a servant who is malnourished and weak?








It's a lesson that Darth Tyranus has learned well whilst travelling through the galaxy as a Jedi - he saw the sheer mounting amount of corruption and the disgustingly growing inequality between the few rich and so many of the poor...

After all, that was one of the final straws that broke his loyalty towards the Jedi order...

His musings were then cut short as he heard a young, boyish voice, shout out from the castle's courtyard - his regular training place should the weather allowed for it...

Now, apparently it was also Izuku's as well...

Speaking of whom...

The young greenette has managed to worm his way into the ex-Jedi's heart very quickly, not only was he an adorable ball of sunshine that made nearly everyone in the castle at least attempt to resist cooing at, but also his viridian eyes held a curious spark that thirsted for knowledge - something that truly won the old sith over...

The spark that his previous proteges have had...

The same spark that his very own eyes once held as well...

Escaping his now bittersweet memories, the sith moved towards the noises that were breaking the silence of the night and has spotted his grandson...

Yes, his grandson...

Apparently young Izuku has teleported himself and his mother from the world known simply as "Earth", for it was the earth that they have walked upon - poetic, but a bit on the nose in his humble opinion, thus the young man has managed to break every scientific law that was was even written with something known simply as a "Quirk"...

Quirks were supposedly a normal thing and could be either hereditary via genetics, or be unlocked via mutation of said genes, thus creating a brand new line of quirks. This explanation has made the old sith wish to seek out the world if only as an future asset in order to best his master once the time has come, but much to his disappointment said world did not exist on any of available or even known star map thus making the green haired duo an even more precious of a find...

Speaking of the green hairs, they have had hard time in adjusting to the new setting in the beginning due to the language barrier, but the ex-Jedi allowed himself to gently touch their minds to understand their language, something known as Japanese - huh, such an odd name-

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