Tinkering with droids in the galaxy far far away...

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An entire week has passed since the attempted mugging, with Izuku and Inko having slowly recovered from the stressful ordeal, and Dooku having to, very regretfully mind you, go back to his duties as a growing political figure in the galaxy's stage...

In hindsight - this entire event has spurred Izuku to rethink his desire about becoming a "Hero", or at least a "pro" version of one, in accordance to his old world...

His quirk - that he was still rather afraid to use by the way - wouldn't have been perceived as "Heroic" in his world's skewed standards, despite possibly being very powerful, due to the most of "Hero Industry" being dead set on "Flashy", or "Enchancement" sort of quirks, by the bigot driven HPSC, often throwing more "Unique" quirks out of the window, only for them to later go villain...

Izuku could understand it, now that he has grown up a bit, yet he swore that he would do things differently, which may be due to him seeing ALL quirks as amazing in their own way - each of them being either powerful from the get go, or being able to turn their weaknesses into their strength with a bit of training and ingenuity - a trait, that has been praised by uncle Tambor quite frequently, since it was once of the best traits to possess as an inventor AND a businessman, that were truly worth their salt...

In Wat's mind it corresponded with the albility to juggle the ever delicate balance of risk and reward, which would in turn, turn into further profit...


As for Izuku?

This trait related to being able to change the galaxy itself, as inspiration, and potential, for futher development laid in every "Pebble" of the way, when most would simply dismiss them just for not being "Different Enough"...





It simply infuriated Izuku, whenever people decided simply to go for the most "Optimal" of designs! Cost to effectiveness ratio, mass production and modulation, predicted income to loss ratio...

Ratio this! Ratio that!

Where was the innovation?! Where did the will to change the galaxy for the better go?! Has the galaxy lost it's vigor in chase the better tomorrow?!

Seemingly, the answer was yes, much to Izuku's dismay...

He couldn't see it any better, than in the Droid Classification Catalogue, which segregated the existing droid models in five distinct categories, which affected what laws would affect each of the given models in question...

Class one: These droids worked in the fields of mathematics, physics, physical sciences, and medicine. Although they had in-depth knowledge of their field, they were rarely programmed to apply their knowledge to everyday situations. Class one droids were considered little more than computers, since all they usually did was perform calculations. They tended to be more expensive, on average, than droids in any other category. There were four subcategories of class one droids:

Medical droids

Medical droids role was actually a rather broad one. From treating patients, assisting doctors and surgeons, and working in laboratories, in order to develop and test new medicines. Unlike other class one droids, medical droids commonly practiced the art they were programmed with, and were rather well received by the wider populus.

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