Preparations to brave the galaxy far far away...

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Izuku could be currently seen sitting next to his uncle aboard the Techno Union Hardcell-class interstellar transport ship, as they travelled through the Hyperspace towards the water and storm covered world of Pammant, where the F.D.V.E.C. , or fully: "Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps", resided and toiled away at their craft of building the starships for the Trade Federation.

In his Uncle's words, the people that have heard the hearing have gained respect for both him, and his decision to set up his own Legal Front, and that he wished to use his very own spaceship, in order to have safe space for both his experiments and engineering...

An admirable goal in both his, and his fellow Skakoans minds, thus with some background talking and deals made, Izuku has been provided a rather founding to order his very own spaceship alongside the droids that would man it's posts, in order to both bolster the security and ensure the secrecy of his research...

To say that poor Inko nearly had a heart attack when she has learnt just how far away from her Izuku would be going on his first voyage...

She genuinely though that it would be somewhere nearby, to cut costs and to make sure it was safe, but she couldn't help but to agree when Wat has explained the reasoning for embarking on such a journey...

The F.D.V.E.C. really knew what they were doing, and they were also both loyal, and secretive in regards to their designs, which would be a great boon for Izuku's research as well as for his own safety...

Those reassurances have seemingly won her over, but not without her own terms - one of which would be that they would contact her as soon as they would be able to...

Which Izuku hoped would be soon - don't get him wrong, Hyperspace distortion was something to behold, but staying in it for prolonged period of time onboard the Hardcell-class interstellar transport ship...

The amptly named "Big Earner" was thankfully crewed with both organics and droids alike, which helped Izuku to not lose his marbles - he might be a bit "Quirky" as a young scientist, but even he needs some contact outside of his loved ones!

Speaking of loved ones, his Uncle was often found working on the internal database, which seemed to be filled with reports regarding finances of the Techno Union, and other documents of "Great Importance", which while might have been true, also seemed to bore him out of his mask...

The poor Skakoan has never seemed to be so done with his life, as the last time Izuku came to check on him...

In his uncle's wise words - paperwork and taxes are like spouses... They require your attention and dare you forget about them even once, and you will find yourself bent over by the consequences...

This statement did not reassure him of any relationships in the future, but he would at least give it a try later on...

At least when Izuku asked as to why did they choose the F.D.V.E.C. to be the ones to work on Izuku's ship, his uncle explained that they were efficient, rather cheap and also very competent in their work - traits perfect for creation of custom fit starship...

Thankfully it seemed that whatever could be counted for a higher being in this galaxy has finally heard Izuku's plea, and has taken a pity on the young inventor, as an announcement came over the intercoms that they would be exiting the hyperspace soon...

Izuku: /Groaning, thankfull/ *GRREANH*~ Finally!

He then turned to his uncle, who seemed to also happily discard the datapad that he was working on, with a bit more force and enthusiasm than needed...

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