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I walked into the classroom where I saw Anastasia already sitting. I was anxious and I wanted to melt to the ground as I walked past Luka quickly. Thank god we don't have a seating order in our math class.

I plopped down next to Anastasia and said, "Hey". She handed me a coffee and answered, "Hey, did you get to return the book?". I nodded as I took a sip of my coffee. I was wearing a big white fluffy sweater and black skinny jeans. My white Veja sneakers were wet from the rain. So was my jacket which I placed on the empty seat next to me.

I doodled on my notebook for the entire lecture since I tried to aim my attention away from him. I could feel that he was looking at me from few rows behind. Finally, the class ended, making me grab my belongings quickly. Nevertheless, Luka came up to me and asked, "Kiara?". I took a sharp breath in as Anastasia left us alone. "What?", I asked and looked to the floor.

"I was just wondering...Is everything okay, because of what happened yesterday?", he asked and I heard him step a bit closer to me. I kept looking at the floor as I answered, "I just skipped class...is that illegal?". I crossed my arms over my chest as I felt my stubbornness rising. Obviously I wasn't able to go to school yesterday.

"It's not...it's just not like you", he said. I looked at him quickly as I asked, "Have you wondered that maybe you don't know me enough to think like that?". He scrunched his eyebrows. I put my bag on my shoulder and walked away.

For some reason, my heart was bleeding. I felt like I was too rude to him. I was hurting but I still wished that he would run after me.

I heard him run after me, which made my heart fill slowly with hope. Soon he grabbed my hand, turning me around. "Kiara, if anyone knows you, then it's me", he said as he looked deeply into my eyes. "We need to talk about it", he added. I shook my head quickly as a no.  

"Talk to me doll", he said and looked deeply into my eyes. And just like that, the barrier came down. 

"I...he was just a client", I let out and sighed. "But are you okay now? We didn't get to talk much after. Was JC nice to you?", he asked and crossed his arms over his chest. He gestured me to sit on his desk as he sat on his chair. I crossed my legs as I took a big breath in.

"It was a normal client meeting, restaurant first and all that you know...", I started until I went quiet and looked on the floor. "He liked it a bit more rough than I", I whispered. "I'm gonna kill that fucker", Luka whispered underneath his breath. 

"It's quite normal actually, many guys like stuff like that", I said as I squeezed my teeth together. "You have to go through that every time?", he asked, which made me look into his eyes. I nodded as I aimed my eyes back on the floor.

"Kie...why are you doing this?", he asked as I could hear the frustration in his voice. "Because I feel nothing", I said and looked into his eyes. 

"I like...to be used", I whispered. Luka put his hand on my other knee which made me take a sharp breath in. "Wouldn't you like to find a partner and eventually fell in love?", he asked. I looked at him in disbelief before I asked, "You believe in love?", letting a small laugh out. He snorted and said, "Not necessarily but I haven't thrown away the key", as he looked deep into my eyes, making me take a sharp breath in again. 

"I don't seek love nor men, if love is meant for me, it'll find me", I said as I accidentally leaned a bit closer to him. "The universe", he said quietly. I gave him a small nod, not letting go of our eye contact. It gave me a...warm feeling that he remembered that I believe in the universe.

"Just be careful...or stop meeting them", he pleaded. "Maybe I'll slow down a bit", I said and gave him a small smile. He stood up and pressed his lips on my forehead. I felt my heart starting to race as I looked back into his eyes.

"Where's your next class?", he asked as I stood up also. "Um...I have a free period", I stuttered in shock. "I can walk you to Anastasia", he said. "Okay", I said quietly as I followed his lead.

We walked into the hallway which was full of students waiting for their next classes to start. "What are you doing tonight?", he asked suddenly. I looked at him confusedly and said, "Probably just staying at Anastasia's place". He nodded as we made a turn. 

Soon I saw Anastasia sitting on a chair next to the cafeteria. Her face lit up when she saw me. "Thanks for walking me", I said and gave Luka a small smile. He put his hands into his pockets as he nodded. "See you in class", he answered, making me nod before I turned around to face Anastasia.

I sat down next to her and watched as Luka disappeared around the corner. Suddenly Anastasia turned her head and said, "so...Luka", as she smirked at me. I looked at her confusedly and let out a small laugh. "You like him", she giggled as she took a sip of her coffee. I rolled my eyes and said, "No". 

Anastasia gasped, covering her mouth with her hand, saying, "Oh my god! You really like him! I haven't seen you like this in a long time!". I gulped as I answered, "Me neither". I added, "But you know, I don't like him". I saw Anastasias' blue eyes roll before she said, "You do, shush". I took a sip of her coffee as a way of trying to hide my smile.


Words: 1 010

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