Chapter 1: Beauty unmatched

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" Now, do not go too close to the treeline dear. And don't speak to any strangers." A wooden door opens slowly revealing two figures.

" If you see one, punch them in the face and then run!" Merryweather exclaimed from somewhere inside the cabin. Someone gasps but no further comment is given on the subject.

" Yes, well, you must not stray from the path. Do not go far." Flora instructed. The older woman hands out a dark purple shawl.

" I won't. I'll be back soon."

Rose waved her delicate hand as she walked down the path, deeper into the woods. Long golden hair flows elegantly behind her, even after being covered with the shawl.

She hummed a tune, soft and beautiful, as her shoeless feet carried her gracefully through the bushes and fallen branches. Animals crawled from their hiding spots and birds flew down from the sky just to see the gorgeous maiden. The woven basket she carried filled slowly with berries as she went further.

" Ahh ̴ I wonder, I wonder ̴" Echo the lyrics all around.

The sun was up in the cloudless sky, though it's rays could not reach the ground in the dark forest. Rose paid it no mind, she knew the thick branches provided safety. She wasn't exactly sure as to why she needed protection, but a part of her didn't want to know. Her aunts had always told stories about the darkness, how nothing good came from it, how it snuffed out the light. She had also heard them whisper. Saying things, fearing things. Briar Rose was scared to ask so she never did.

A whistle made the young girl turn. The birds following her had made a turn to the right like expecting her to come there too. Now they chirped and chittered as if asking "Where are you going?". Usually Rose would have followed her friends. Every single time she would take that right turn and head for the cliff overlooking the city far, far away. Dream about the castle and the town, how much fun the folk there were having. If they were happy. If they longed for something more, like she did? No, that's absurd.

Today however, the girl felt like going straight and deeper into the woods. She had never wandered too far, heeding the warnings, and sticking to the rules. But maybe it wouldn't be that bad if she just went a little deeper. No one has to ever know.

Just like that the beautiful maiden had made up her mind.

" Oh, I would like to go this way today."

Her bird friends didn't seem too happy about it. They tried tugging on her long golden hair, to get her to go back. Their cheerful song turning to distressed and one of them took a hold of the hem of her dress and pulled.

" I'm sure it's fine. Just a little ways down the road." When that did nothing she continued.

" How about just to that large oak tree? Then I'll turn back, I promise!"

One of the birds settled on her shoulder, still clearly hesitant. Rose didn't think anything of their unsureness as she headed for the tree. A hand was holding her skirts hem while jumping over puddles and leaping across rivers. Despite of the promise made, Rose did not stop after reaching the old tree. Instead she walked a bit farther, in her mind promising to turn back soon. Just a little more. Just over to that stump, and then through that thicket. Soon she stood next to a clearing, filled with wildflowers and carnations of all colours.

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