Chapter 7: Rising worry

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It was dim, the forest was swallowed by shadows. The new morning, a promised day, was here and the air was full of excitement. The sun had just barely shown its first rays when Aurora, barefooted, found herself amongst the flowers she kept dreaming about every night. The trees were old and tall, all in a furious race to reach the skies first. 

The morning sun managed to rain down its light from between the heavy branches, casting little golden lines that, like fine rope, travelled down to the ground. In the light you could see the layer of morning mist move with the breeze. Most of the grass and bushes were wet, morning dew coating everything in sparkling pearls of water that shone like stars. There were only trees and grass and thick layers of deep green moss as far as the eye could see. Red hatted toadstool mushrooms were visible, peeking from behind the bushes at the newcomers.

Somewhere running water, gentle and carefree, made its way through the trees but could only be heard. Fern in all of its colours stood tall in every corner and nook. She had no idea where she was, but it was beautiful. She bent down, marvelling at the flowers, so small and delicate. The king was close behind her, in the shadows of the trees, observing. So still he stood infact, that if you did not know he was there, might have you mistaken him for one of the trees. He kept a watchful eye not only on the girl but also on their surroundings.

He could see, next to a fallen tree, only a stone's throw away, stood a white deer observing them. Its flaming eyes were cool blue, like ice on an untouched lake on a winter's morning. When the princess returned to him, arms full of blue cornflowers and white mayweeds, he gently drew her attention to it. 

She let the flowers fall from her grasps and, one arm reaching out, closed the distance between her and the animal. It was all like a trance, the animal drew her to itself. It was curious, never had it seen a human such as her. It sniffed the offered hand cautiously and then licked it. It was an invitation to touch, a permission to come closer. A twinkle graced her eyes when she ran her fingers through its soft fur, being even softer that the bearskin rug back at the castle. Then the deer raised its head in alarm and ran to the opposite direction, vanishing into the mist and from sight. Aurora turned, confused, to seek answers from the approaching king.

" Why did it run off?"

" It was no mere animal. That was a spirit. It ran from human magic."

" Oh..."

They enjoyed the day hidden in the shadows, crossing rivers, and passing meadows. Their arms were intertwined as they headed east. The man had carried them far, far away with his abilities, just so no one would disturb them. The breeze made the trees sing a melody not hearable to normal humans, but this time the nature made an exception. 

Aurora sang too, so charming it was, that the nearby animals came to see her despite of the king's presence. She sang a sweet melody of a fated encounter only seen once before. You see, she had had a dream last night, concerning the king, where they walked together in a field from her past. It had been so lovely it made her heart leap with joy.

" I know you  ̴ " She spun around, " I walked with you once upon a dream  ̴ "

She hurried to the king and held out her hands. To perhaps humor her, the man placed his into her smaller ones. She did not pull him into dance, but instead came closer herself.

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